Officially just in......
" IMS_Willy & Pist went to a Scrabble game, 2 Gun Kid was the ref and it's final.....confirmed outcome is as follows". Please see photo!
Thank you MAX for the was..........well it was..........................PURE TERROR...........LOL
The Starcrow.....................
Hello DOS Maximus,YOU THERE LETS FLY:friday:
Ok screeny
Game on
game over,thx
thnx rufus ....good gamesok screeny
game on
game over,thx
east settings :ernae: Tree come help this is hard in here
ip ts same ipgame off ty guys ~s~ where ap at?
Ok screeny
Game on
game over,thx
Hey lighty glad to see ya hosting. Means you got things sorted.
Good why don't you host one when I am not at the office so's I kin shoot yer _ss down