~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post CFS3 IP Games in here!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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IP cfs3maximus.game-host.org :angryfir:


Hi Guys,
Quick visit to say hello, very busy at home right now, can'y get to games yet.

Razor !
Have you accidentally switched your computer security Gaming Mode to Gaming Mode Disabled.

I did that with my AVG system and accidentally found the little box again,ticked it for " Gaming Mode enabled" and "Bingo". Can host now without switching Firewall "Off" for games.

DOS Maximus,
Hi M8, you might have that little box buried in your system somewhere too. Keep the Flyin Goin, I'll be back on a late night session one of these days to see how you guys over the Pond are shaping up, so don't get slack. -LOL- :d:tgun2::toilet:

Bill T.

Here's some pics. to keep you going. :wiggle: yes !! Thats me with an old Just obtained Vickers Valiant Ejection seat, mucho-clapped -o
( Martin Baker Mk-3 )- C/pit Diagram is Vulcan, The collapsed Hanger is no 1 at old RAF Hooton on the Wirral -UK ( Anson bits in front ) and last pic. is a fire burnt Hawker Hunter at Predannick Airfield, Cornwall,UK. -

Enjoy------You Vulchers !!!!!!!!---LOL.

Hi Guys,
Quick visit to say hello, very busy at home right now, can'y get to games yet.

Razor !
Have you accidentally switched your computer security Gaming Mode to Gaming Mode Disabled.

I did that with my AVG system and accidentally found the little box again,ticked it for " Gaming Mode enabled" and "Bingo". Can host now without switching Firewall "Off" for games.

DOS Maximus,
Hi M8, you might have that little box buried in your system somewhere too. Keep the Flyin Goin, I'll be back on a late night session one of these days to see how you guys over the Pond are shaping up, so don't get slack. -LOL- :d:tgun2::toilet:

Bill T.

Here's some pics. to keep you going. :wiggle: yes !! Thats me with an old Just obtained Vickers Valiant Ejection seat, mucho-clapped -o
( Martin Baker Mk-3 )- C/pit Diagram is Vulcan, The collapsed Hanger is no 1 at old RAF Hooton on the Wirral -UK ( Anson bits in front ) and last pic. is a fire burnt Hawker Hunter at Predannick Airfield, Cornwall,UK. -

Enjoy------You Vulchers !!!!!!!!---LOL.

Nice pictures, Winco
n i see u having fun , good 4 u.
me..busy at work, that is ok, iam adiccted 2 money..
but i soon as i get a chance...
Hope 2 fly u soon.

chino loco p.o.w
Hooton park now and Misc.


Thanks guys, glad to see the insults are still trading well, which is more than can be said for our U.K. Banking System--LOL-:173go1: ha Ha !!!

Hi Swissbaer,/ Grizz.
Been meaning to mention for a while now, but I've Un-installed Game Ranger, as my computer is slow enough with weight of programs in and cannot yet get to up-grade,so that's why I've not been in your games, will one day, but please join mine when they are up as plenty of joiners want to shoot you down--LOL-:d:d:d.

Hi Chino--Willie Spaten -Jyf and CQ93. Be back in soon as I can, Builders wrecking house at this time.

Meanwhile, a few more pics, Vulcan C/pit-B-29 and Zero C/pits, more of the Collapsed Hanger 3 and still upright hanger 1. ( With FibreGlass Spitfire and Hurricane from Film Battle of Britain, ( 1967 ) Can you see the boat buried in one pic, ? no takers to get it out-:icon_lol:

Hooton Park in CFS3 ETO Expansion is a great place to fly into and taxi around in your Hurricane, this is what she was like in WW2, ( But with 2 tarmac Runaways in reality ) You can taxi through the Belfast Truss (1914 ) Hangers too. I always do this when I'm in ETO.

Compare that with these pics. of Hooton today. At least a bunch of us are trying to save the hangers and Tech Site.


Bill T.
Nice winco


Thanks guys, glad to see the insults are still trading well, which is more than can be said for our u.k. Banking system--lol-:173go1: Ha ha !!!

Hi swissbaer,/ grizz.
Been meaning to mention for a while now, but i've un-installed game ranger, as my computer is slow enough with weight of programs in and cannot yet get to up-grade,so that's why i've not been in your games, will one day, but please join mine when they are up as plenty of joiners want to shoot you down--lol-:d:d:d.

Hi chino--willie spaten -jyf and cq93. Be back in soon as i can, builders wrecking house at this time.

Meanwhile, a few more pics, vulcan c/pit-b-29 and zero c/pits, more of the collapsed hanger 3 and still upright hanger 1. ( with fibreglass spitfire and hurricane from film battle of britain, ( 1967 ) can you see the boat buried in one pic, ? No takers to get it out-:icon_lol:

Hooton park in cfs3 eto expansion is a great place to fly into and taxi around in your hurricane, this is what she was like in ww2, ( but with 2 tarmac runaways in reality ) you can taxi through the belfast truss (1914 ) hangers too. I always do this when i'm in eto.

Compare that with these pics. Of hooton today. At least a bunch of us are trying to save the hangers and tech site.


Bill t.

pretty cool pictures of that place. Kinda brings ya back to what it must have been like

Thanks guys, glad to see the insults are still trading well, which is more than can be said for our U.K. Banking System--LOL-:173go1: ha Ha !!!

Hi Swiss Bear,/ Grizzly.
Been meaning to mention for a while now, but I've Uninstalled Game Ranger, as my computer is slow enough with weight of programs in and cannot yet get to up-grade,so that's why I've not been in your games, will one day, but please join mine when they are up as plenty of joiners want to shoot you down--LOL-:d:d:d.

Hi Chino--Willie Spaten -Jyf and CQ93. Be back in soon as I can, Builders wrecking house at this time.

Meanwhile, a few more pics, Vulcan C/pit-B-29 and Zero C/pits, more of the Collapsed Hanger 3 and still upright hanger 1. ( With FibreGlass Spitfire and Hurricane from Film Battle of Britain, ( 1967 ) Can you see the boat buried in one pic, ? no takers to get it out-:icon_lol:

Hooton Park in CFS3 ETO Expansion is a great place to fly into and taxi around in your Hurricane, this is what she was like in WW2, ( But with 2 tarmac Runaways in reality ) You can taxi through the Belfast Truss (1914 ) Hangers too. I always do this when I'm in ETO.

Compare that with these pics. of Hooton today. At least a bunch of us are trying to save the hangers and Tech Site.


Bill T.
Thank you for the pictures Winco. As for my hosting games , I could not find where I have shut off my gaming any where on my PC. Don't know what the bugger is. I will try to work it out. Not that may flying CFS3 or ETO now, OFF3 is what most people are playing . I may have to try and get the dvd myself after we get our tax return.
Hope to here from you again soon.
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