PRB's MacRobertson Machinations

Thanks Huub!

Here we are, just after take off, at 6000 feet, headed for the Channel.
Landed LFML (checking point)
Flight Time: 02:38:10
Routine Ground Time: 0:00:00
Special Ground Time: 0:00:00
Penalty Time: 00:00:00

A lovely day over southern France!
Had a fun filled flight from Marseille to Rome. I picked LIRA, on account of the long runways there and the little beastie I need to set upon it
without bending anything. Again there were thunderstorms on final approach, and again the landing would fill the heart of an instructor pilot with
trepidation. But, all the big pieces are still attached, so it's all good. Kodaks show us flying over our check point, the airport Poretta, on the
northern tip of the island of Corsica, and flying over Rome, looking for LIRA.

Arrived LIRA (control point)
Flight Time: 01:35:29
Routine Ground Time: 00:45:00
Special Ground Time: 00:00:00
Penalty Time: 00:00:00
Ooh look, there's the harbor at Taranto down there, with the dubious distinction of being the site of the Royal Navy's aircraft carrier attack on the Italian fleet in 1940, and giving the Japanese navy an idea...
Arrived LGTT
Flight Time: 02:23:42
Routine Ground Time: 00:45:00
Special Ground Time: 00:00:00
Penalty Time: 00:00:00

Fun flight.
Ooh look, there's the harbor at Taranto down there, with the dubious distinction of being the site of the Royal Navy's aircraft carrier attack on the Italian fleet in 1940, and giving the Japanese navy an idea...

Nice spot! We'll be commemorating the 74th anniversary on the 11th of November, with hardly any mocking of the RAF...
Interesting, SB!

Ok, off to Syria. 650 miles, so I'll have to go high and throttle back to make it.
I'm pretty sure I'm over south western Turkey. The gas is half way gone so that must mean I'm half way there. The ADF stations are thinning out a bit...

Flight Time: 02:53:52
Routine Ground Time: 00:45:00
Special Ground Time: 00:00:00
Penalty Time: 00:00:00

On to Bag-Dad
On the road to Baghdad. I'm headed direct to the ADF station at Dier Zzor, just because it's the only one along the way, and is a short range station. Wouldn't want to miss it out here...

Flight Time: 01:40:37
Routine Ground Time: 00:45:00
Special Ground Time: 00:00:00
Penalty Time: 00:00:00
Made it down safe at Bushehr (OIBB).

Flight Time: 01:44:54
Routine Ground Time: 00:45:00
Special Ground Time: 00:00:00
Penalty Time: 00:00:00