Presumptious Questions



My first post here, and it’s maybe a sensitive subject about which to make it, so apologies upfront if I ruffle anyone’s feathers. I have been 'lurking' for a over a year, though, and daily since OFF BHAH approached release.

So, first, respectful greetings to all and much kudos to the OFF development team, P3 looks awesome and my copy is ordered and on its way.

My questions:

Do the team have a plan for on-going support? I see the first patch is available and wondered, given the effort already put in, how much we should reasonably expect in terms of future releases, upgrades and add-ons.

Add-ons are a means of bringing to the game the elements that the developers had no time to implement. I’m sure fatigue has set in, with good reason, but are there elements that we might look forward to?

The questions are partly prompted by some of the whinging about the price (not the understandable frustration due to exchange rates but the reported ignorant moans on other fora), and whilst I recognise that P3 is finally out the door and everyone deserves a bloody long rest, I wondered... ‘What happens next? And will the continued dedication of the team make the whiners look as petty as they already sound?”

For perspective, I've happily paid, for what I consider a new amateur-developed game which is complete, an amount commensurate with what I'd pay for so-called professionally-developed games that are full of bugs. I don't really see an issue with the basic price.

not presumtuous at all.....I speak under correction........but if you had to put money on a company (CFS3) for support....or a group of enthusiasts(BHAH) working unpaid for years for something they well as a HUGE group of fans more than willing to endorse and amplify the vision....missions, add-ons, scenery.....well, place your chips.....I've bet with these guys and it's paid hands down for more years than my Wall St. investments. Do it.....GAW
Thanks Dej.

This was in the pre orders page, I just added it to the FAQ (Misc Questions button), and FEATURES pages (just above the "Full Features").

Q) What do I get?

You get a BOXED original DVD containing Over Flanders Fields : Between Heaven and Hell WW1 mod for Microsoft's Combat Flight Simulator 3 .
(This DVD unpacks to 15 GB!)The price includes what we have in the features list (see web) - we reserve the right to add change or remove features.

Q) Do I get free future upgrades and add-ons?

With regards to future add-ons or upgrades - we reserve the right to make, or not to make these. Of course we will endeavour to produce free bug fixes or service patches were necessary for issues that come to light after release, but again at our discretion (we can't promise we can fix everything!). We already have a patch available for things we noticed since the final DVD was ready, and we are working on further patches and improvements.

If there is sufficient interest then of course we may continue to improve Over Flanders Fields and/or make add-ons or future Phases.

Any future add-ons that we do make for Over Flanders Fields may be either free or payware we will decide at the time, and announce as we get to finalise them.

Q) What content will be in add-ons if you do them?

We do not know yet. Still under discussion but we have some good ideas.

Also it's possible any funds may aid us to move on to a new 3D engine we shall see.
First of all, welcome to the OFF forum.. you will find lots of friendly people here and help when ever you need it.

If you were to look back through the years of the OFF forum you would be amazed at the commitment to OFF by the OFF team. Mainly by Polovsky, who turned into a sort of "Press Secretary," setting up his own website with FAQ lists and answers and also managing to be on the forum for most of the time. I've never seen so many patches for a game, of any type.. and it wasn't even payware. And now, look at the P3 BHH release, we have a patch available before the game has even been received by the players.. ever seen that before? So, ya, I would say "customer support" is pretty good.. no, I would say it is unbelievable.
Between the OFF team and the forum members who hang around here all the time, I can't imagine you not getting help if you need it.

There goes Pol, geese that guy is quick.. anyway, he just answered the part about future add ons.
Hello Dej,

Welcome to the OFF Forum.

Sorry you lurked so long... you should have jumped in anytime... the doors are always open, and the family is always happy to welcome more... just keep an eye on Uncle Gimpy... when he hits the sauce, he get's a little strange... ;)


My questions:

Do the team have a plan for on-going support? I see the first patch is available and wondered, given the effort already put in, how much we should reasonably expect in terms of future releases, upgrades and add-ons.

Add-ons are a means of bringing to the game the elements that the developers had no time to implement. I’m sure fatigue has set in, with good reason, but are there elements that we might look forward to?

As far as next phases and future releases. Time will tell, but I can say with confidence, OBD is burnt, however... far from burnt out. :)

The questions are partly prompted by some of the whinging about the price (not the understandable frustration due to exchange rates but the reported ignorant moans on other fora), and whilst I recognize that P3 is finally out the door and everyone deserves a bloody long rest, I wondered... ‘What happens next? And will the continued dedication of the team make the whiners look as petty as they already sound?”

Yes, we hope that this release will prompt us to continue and hopefully grow OFF into new directions and bigger idea. We don't know now, but like we've said in the past... we're a close nit bunch, very brotherly and all with a common goal to be successful, have fun and do our best to recreate WWI air combat as close as possible.

Let's see where the next few months take us... :)

Hello Dej,

Welcome to the OFF Forum.
, but like we've said in the past... we're a close nit bunch...
Let's see where the next few months take us... :)

Nits? Whose got nits? :help::running: :toilet:

Check the forum after playing P2 and losing my 9th reincarnation... still without reaching 3 months... grr!, and I see all these responses :d

Many thanks for the warm welcome.

Thanks for clarifying Polovski, guess I missed that bit.

I hadn't posted before 'cos I hadn't anything useful to add, OVS.

As for Gimpy... kindred spirit, perhaps... as may yet be discovered ;-)


A final question for the mom'. Does Matt Milne have an incarnation here, because my wife and sons, unbeknown to them :d, are off-and-on whistling or humming his music... it's a perfect fit, going by P2.
Nits? Whose got nits? :help::running: :toilet:


One of these days.. one of these day... POW>>> Right to the MOON!!!!

hummina... hummmina... hummmmina....
