Problem with


The download took about 20 min.
Now it has been decompressing for 45 min on the ms/hughes/hurcules.:banghead:
Since it is not getting anywhere I have exited MSFS.
What is the best method to start over again.
On third try here. I'm about to give up, already copied my Community folder over. I'm letting it run, I either wake up with it still running, installed, CTD, or BSOS. Ifit has not installed, I'll uninstall the entire mess clean out the registry and reinstall from the Xbox Console. It will have no choice but to install the latest version! Too many of us trying to get it probably.

The download took about 20 min.
Now it has been decompressing for 45 min on the ms/hughes/hurcules.:banghead:
Since it is not getting anywhere I have exited MSFS.
What is the best method to start over again.

Anyway you start over, from the MSFS icon, the MS Store, or the Xbox, you going to get the same result. It's FUBAR for the time being. Best wait until tomorrow when the lines are probably freer.
Couple of other items from this upsate- Seemes to have lost the enhanced DC3 model with the 4K textures. It also aborts early into the download from the content folder or the marketplace. - The Hercules only has 4 of the 8 engines running.There were apparently updates to both of these today. Oh well. may try again tomorrow after the dust settles.
Ive only had a pesky issue in the World Updates mainly USA2, no issues anywhere else atm.
Yeah, it seems like the update downloads are FUBAR at the moment. They had an extra week to prepare the bandwidth. I guess they didn't prepare very well.
Who designs this crap. I finally got it downloaded, went to the Content Manager and there was 15 more Updates. My first failed and I was told to restart the sim. I did and there was yet another Mandatory Update that is installing now just as slow as the original. Who's coding this mess, the Chi-Coms?
Thanks, gentleman, for your comments and suggestions.
I will wait awhile before trying again.
I should have guessed there was a big problem when I first started to update the program files. It took a minute or two before the spinning ring stopped and the d/l resumed.
This is my first d/l problem updating since I have a fast internet connection.
It was disappointing to watch the progress bar advance then retreat several times.
I just shut the monitor off and went to bed, When I awoke early, it was done and I had no problems getting the Content Manager updates this morning, came in fast. Like I said, servers were simply overwhelmed yesterday.

It's hanging forever at decompressing WU II dallas ford worth patch. Second attempt today, no luck so far.
Well here we go. I just started the simulator this morning and found the update.

Hopefully I have better luck than everyone yesterday.

For me a 3.38GB download takes a long time.
Well, my son built me a box burner and I was flying in MSFS like nobody's business until Sim Update 13. After a full day downloading the update, I can't fly more than 30 seconds before MSFS CTDs. What a dynamic and unholy eff-up Asobo and Microsoft. Fix this crap or go back to the last version! I wish one could backdate MSFS, Sim Update 13 is a just a total FUBAR!

I guess if nothing else, I'll have to once again uninstall MSFS and go through the hassle of reinstalling everything. Not like I haven't had to do it before with this POS platform. Color me totally peed off!

Well, my son built me a box burner and I was flying in MSFS like nobody's business until Sim Update 13. After a full day downloading the update, I can't fly more than 30 seconds before MSFS CTDs. What a dynamic and unholy eff-up Asobo and Microsoft. Fix this crap or go back to the last version! I wish one could backdate MSFS, Sim Update 13 is a just a total FUBAR!

I guess if nothing else, I'll have to once again uninstall MSFS and go through the hassle of reinstalling everything. Not like I haven't had to do it before with this POS platform. Color me totally peed off!


Try the Repair function , you find it in the "App" , just rightclick .... options ....

I'm going to do what I always do after an update is released. Wait a couple of days!

The solution to stuck on decompressing for me was something I found on an Aerosoft thread

  • Close the sim
  • Navigate to the Package installation folder
  • Delete the packages *.fspatch or *.fspackage
  • reboot computer
  • start MSFS and give it another go

For those with computer expertise at my level that means ending in fspatch or fspackage ,so there will be more than one file

In effect it, downloads the updates and starts decompressing from fresh files is my understanding

For good measure I also moved my community folder to the desktop and chucked it back in the packages folder after it updated but I suspect that wasn't the problem
Expanding on the above... Close the sim, open the Packages\Official\OneStore (or Steam) folder, delete anything that's not a folder, restart. I had to do that twice. One of the DC-3 packages started the download loop for me. Second try, I deleted not just the file, but all the other DC-3 content that had been installed with the update. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but it worked that time. Then I went to the Content Manager for the updates there. Everything ran fine until the NZ world update package. That one just kept looping after five tries. Neither cancelling and retrying from inside the sim nor the close/delete/restart method would work. So now I have a constant notification that there's an update waiting, but I'm going to hold off another day or so before trying it again. It's not a mandatory update, so the sim runs fine as-is.