Products Updated to P3D v3.0

ORBX's Northern California

ORBX's Northern California now available for P3D v3.0 (Also KSQL San Carlos Airport)
ORBX Southern Alaska and Northern Rockies released

P3Dv3 installers released today for SAK and NRM . They are up in your FSS account .
Installed the latest version of the Flysimware Bell 47G / H-13 helicopter. It comes with an installer for P3D up to 2.5, but worked with my P3D 3.1 installation. The helo runs perfectly, didn't notice any errors.

----> Wooo, I just realized that FSW released a new update two days ago!
That is great news Dave! I can finally uninstall 2.5.

Meanwhile I checked Aerosoft last evening and saw that Thessaloniki X scenery now includes 3.2 in its installer. Downloaded from my account and worked great.
VRS TacPack v1.4.3.2 is available.

[NEW] Support for P3D v3.4 hotfix 1
[NEW] Added the following AAMs:
  • IRIS-T
  • Meteor
[FIXED] Issue causing crash when launching MP session with object labels inhibited
[FIXED] Issue handing absolute paths in simobjects.cfg
