Hi all - first time posting so hopefully I've got this right.
I was having a lot of trouble with the PTO-RS all-in-one installation. I tried maybe 6 times on 3 different windows 10 machines, one is running WIN10PRO x64, the other two are both WIN10HOME x64 but without any success on any of them. I was positive that I was following the instructions to the letter, but every time I tried to perform the initial start after installation of part 7, I'd get a really brief spinning wheel to indicate that windows was thinking about it, then nothing - no splash screen, nothing in the task manager. Every time.
I managed to fix it by following the guide up to part 7, performing the MultiCFS3 step, then before doing anything else, I copied my CFS3config.exe and CFS3.exe from my vanilla install into my PTO RS install, overwriting the files in the PTO RS folder. Then I ran CFS3config.exe in the PTO folder and exited CFS3config from the file menu; and checked that the compatibility settings in the CFS3.exe were WINXP SP3 and run as administrator. This time, when I double clicked the CFS3.exe in the PTO-RS folder it all worked! Splash screen, intro video and on into the game. Had a quick fly about then followed the remaining instructions to finish and configure the Theater Selecter. All working perfectly.
So, for me it was just copying over the CFS3config.exe and CFS3.exe from my vanilla install that fixed my problem.
I hope that helps somebody else out. Thanks to all for the guidance thus far.