PTO-RS Uploaded

I installed RS-PTO via the all in one download, followed the instructions to the letter, but couldn't get the executable to launch; I replaced it with the one from my main CFS3 install and it worked perfectly! I'm running Win11 and don't know if that's the problem (it causes all my other problems), but the game didn't install the 5 shortcuts on my desktop. I tried changing the theater using the RS theater selector bat file in the directory, and although it allowed me to select a theater, the game CTD'd on launch (it displayed the Pearl Harbor loading screen before crashing). I also installed this on an identical laptop (my teen and I want to fly together online so I was doing dual installs), and his laptop had the same issue- except the bat file displayed several errors and then a popup announced it couldn't find CFS3.exe I re-installed the CFS3.exe from the RS install but that didn't help. I'm at a loss as to the problem and how to solve it, but I'm happy we can actually fly together in Hellcats (he's been a fan ever since he first watched them on 'Dogfights'. We flew BoB missions via GameRanger in 2020 when everyone was home, so we're going to do the same thing in the PTO. Any advice is most welcome, and sincere thanks to the folks who knocked this together!
Other installs working? Installing in \Program Files (x86) or direct into C:\? Running with Windows XP SP3 compatibility?
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Just a thought, did you miss modifying the 'Rising_Sun_Theater_Selector' batch file in the main folder?

It has to reflect where your AppData file is (7 times). Example:
"C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFS3 PTO Rising Sun________"
Thanks for the replies! (And apologies for not being able to figure out how to do line breaks :( ) Mongoose- it's in C:/Program Files (not x86) and my main CFS3 runs fine. So does RS, I used the mission builder and created/flew two missions last night. Everything checks out, except I can't change to any other theater. Firestorm- yes, the theater batch file has been edited with the copied address from the app data folder. When I installed the game, it continually prompted me for Admin permission (that's how my laptop is set up)- is it possible that the game isn't looking in my personal profile but in an admin profile for the directory calls? Thank you both for you help- it's great to see the community still active when so many others have faded away.
The install SHOULD be in your Program Files(X86) folder ,or elsewhere-(another separate HD). Never in your main program files folder, (may cause severe problems). You should right click on your CFS3 .exe file in the main PTO-RS sim folder and select properties. Then you should set to administration privileges to all privilages, in users ,in the security settings. Then you shouldn't have any more problems. Hope this helps. Let us know if not. Regards,Scott
I moved it to the (x86) directory and tried again, with no success. As before, the game CTDs as it loads the Pearl Harbor screen, and I have to go back into the theater selector and choose #2 to get the game to load. However, this time it provided several errors (I tried to attach a screenshot but it seems I can't do that).
  • In the batch window, it displayed-
  • The system cannot find the file specified. (Multiple repetitions)
  • 2midway_selector.bat is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file
  • There's also a windows popup which states 'Windows cannot find 'cfs3.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, the try again.'
The install SHOULD be in your Program Files(X86) folder ,or elsewhere-(another separate HD). Never in your main program files folder, (may cause severe problems). You should right click on your CFS3 .exe file in the main PTO-RS sim folder and select properties. Then you should set to administration privileges to all privilages, in users ,in the security settings. Then you shouldn't have any more problems. Hope this helps. Let us know if not. Regards,Scott

With win 10 at least I NEVER have anything but stock in the Program Files(X86) folder. It has been standing advice that with win 10 at least, the main C:\ place is best, and that is where all my installs are; or in a D:\

My only other advice is to uninstall, download again, and try again. Make sure comparability is WinXPSP3.
Hi Shadow 9216,
quite a few people have trouble setting up their bat files reliably for PTO-RS. I went so far as to rewrite and upload a set of bat files for increased reliability. It is found here in the SOH Warbirds library if you want to give it a try

As far as directory locations for CFS3 installs go, I put all of my installs on a D drive, separate from the windows OS. This is really a hangover from the days when computers used to slow down with all the internal traffic when games were located on the same drive as the OS. In these days of increased speed and solid state drives, location of the installs may not have such a noticeable performance gain. There may be some benefit from not locating old games like CFS3 in the Program Files folders. Certainly my installs all run fine on a completely separate drive.
OK up to a point

Hi, I am uploading PTO all has gone as planned up to updating of the Rising_Sun_Theatre_Selector.bat. I am logged in as an administrator, I have confirmed that the read only is unchecked however whatever I do after opening in notepad and making the amendments I get the box , 'you do not jave permission to open this file when I try to save after making the amendments. I recall doing the same with the ETO Expansion but didn't have any problems with that one.
I would appreciate any ideas.

Hi all, sorry , new to forum and found second page and Daiwilletti's upload, may fix my's hoping

OK so far all seems to be good with the selectors, one issue remains, the CFS3.exe which came with the upload does not seem to function, yet is I drop the CFS3.exe from the original program, the sim loads and I can use the Quick Combat part anyway. I note the proper PTO exe file is larger than the one from the Vanilla copy of CFS3, is this an issue? Is there something I can do with the PTO exe file to make it load? The directory the PTO exe file points to is correct in properties
Installed perfectly but there is no campaign choices in the menu , just a solomons placeholder, are those downloaded elsewhere and need to be installed?
Installed perfectly but there is no campaign choices in the menu , just a solomons placeholder, are those downloaded elsewhere and need to be installed?

Campaigns not really catered for in RS. I've recently written an overwrite package to allow campaign play in PTO Solomons. It required a whole lot of extra files. Available here at SOH Warbirds Library.
Campaigns not really catered for in RS. I've recently written an overwrite package to allow campaign play in PTO Solomons. It required a whole lot of extra files. Available here at SOH Warbirds Library.

Ya I have solomons, I got confused tinking RS had campaigns in other parts of the pacific.
Yes that one works fine, I had just thought RS had its own campaigns, I have since deleted RS and am only using the solomons version now. Are there any other campaigns for it?