Q.: Two problems: Plane explodes at campaign start, and time advance



Q.: Two problems: Plane explodes at campaign start, and time advance

after some missions i came to one "aircraft inbound - scramble" mission, and after the "WWi world intitializing screen i hear this scratch sound of ripping fabric, and in the next "scene" where the pilot stands at the aerodrome in front of his aircraft this aircraft explodes. I have advanced time, changed anything i know of, but the sim stays locked after every start, and starts with this mission. I have to confess i shut down CFS3 and the Off manager via task manager, to prevent "him" to be killed.

Another thing i realized is that the time does not advance automatically. I'm stuck at august 26th, 1918. Day lock is off, all other settings standard. Ok, i have changed the "," to "." in the regional settings, but still no time advance. Next i switched the whole PC language/regional settings to English/England and then to English/USA, but now trying to start OFF there is a message popping up like "Error 3 type mismatch", and OFF won't start at all. Switching back to German it again works, but no automatical time advance.

I do not think it is a solution to re-install CFS3 and OFF every two weeks ? :icon_lol:

Any tips ?
Thanks and greetings,
now it is even worse, i decided to "live through" the crash at the beginning of the mission, and i did not end it via task manager. OK, pilot wounded, next mission ... "inbound aircraft ... scramble" and "scraaatchhh" plane explodes. Again accepting the fate, but this time my pilot died. 59 kills in august 1918, and now this fate - you could say "friendly fire" lol.
Ok, pilot killed, so i enlisted a new one, in a new campaign, at another date and - guess what, first mission is "inbound aircraft - scramble", and after the ripping sound ... now a new window appears "mission failed to load".
What i first wrote was with a german pilot, choosing a new british or french one has the same results -

Ok, this OFF installation is again screwed up - how does this happen ? I have heard CFS3 sometimes behaves strange, but this ? With my last PC i blamed this reappearing problem on the lame CPU and old rig, but the new machine should handle all with ease - and it is a completly new XP installation.

Can this be due to a german PC, or operating system - or CFS3 disk ? But you can even choose to install CFS3 in english with the german disk - and there is no difference - both installs fail after some time.
To make things complete i also have a US CFS3 package, two-CD-set, and same problem. So i am not really sure the problem is regional/language related.

Other ideas ?


P.S.What's on with this board - why was the post "edited by dvslats" ???? I did it. :isadizzy::isadizzy:
If you have to keep reinstalling because things become corrupt something else it broken.. could be the usual billion PC things.. hard disk corruption? Did you run a Scandisk?

Other program interfering? Also make sure you are fully updated with the patches for OFF.

Don't keep switching languages not going to help.

Try workshop settings "reset cfs3". or initialise OFF (backup any configs you have made joystick settings etc).
thanks, well i really don't know why this happens. The PC is now two months old, and all works without problem. Off does, too, but after some time (may vary) the installation somehow seems to eat itself up.

Patches are installed, version number says it is 1.9e
I did not install any additonal plane yet, or any other change.

Ok, ran scandisk, no problem found.
Made a defrag.
Deleted all pilots, all zx files, reset CFS3 and additionally manual install to initialize OFF.

Same problem, with a new created pilot, regardless which squadron or nationality, i first get the scramble mission, and if accepting, after hitting the go-to-field button ww1 world is initialized, and then there is a window with "mission failed to load".

What i found is that at one point there may be a mission where no course lines are displayed - i mean the mission is NOT scramble, but e.g. attack a railyard, but there is no course displayed in the briefing map. When this happens, all other problems also begin to occurr.

Re-install again, no problem, i am used to it ... but i really would like to find out the reason.

Thanks and greetings,
Have you thought about the virus possibility? Maybe even the antivirus. It sounds like something is corrupting your OFF files after a while. If you have anti-virus installed, is it mistakenly seeing some OFF files or CFS3 files as threats and trying to 'repair' them?
Something to think about.
A variation of Ciprrmann's statement:
I use the AVG internet Protection Suite ( $70 a year), but it's already saved my bacon once, so to me the cost is justified.

However due to my improper modification of files in Doom III, the only solution was to uninstall, defrag, get off-line, and reinstall.

The AVG stopped me Cold several times, telling me that a Trojan existed on disc II.

After much knashing of teeth, I uninstalled AVG, installed Doom III, and reinstalled the AVG. It's been fine ever since. :kilroy:
Hello Cpirrman, and Gimpy,

i cannot quite understand how and why an AV software should cause the alteration (or removing?) of files - my AV usually warns before taking any action at all.
But thank you for the tips. I use a free german antivirus program (Avira from HBEDV), which has never let me down. I usually deactivate it while installing anything, as well i check which files are used. The old Norton AV slowed the PC down, however the new Norton 360 is said to be better. Another good one is Kaspersky, and we use it at the museum - very good administration in a network, and mostly the first to recognize new threats.

There are programs that can be set to check files, while they are in use (slowing down PC speed), but the HBEDV AV software does not do that in the current configuration. As well it does not block any file (system ones included) without any warning first.

Ok, i de-installed CFS3, and OFF (including registry), then i switched my PC to English (USA) in the regional settings, and also in the advanced regional settings (this unicode thing). -> restart
This is something i did not do before, so let's see ...

Then i installed the german CFS3, the 3.1 and 3.1a patch, ran it twice shooting down some BF109s with my T'bolt (how could i - lol), and restarted the PC once more.

Then i installed OFF phase two, main files and all patches that ever were, in the right order from 1.0a to 1.9. I realized i do not have patch updates 1.2 and 1.4 - so ... but i read that only 1.9 would have been really necessary, so i hope to get away with it.
Starting OFF the version reads 1.9e, like it should.

I have set the resolution during gameplay to 1280x1024, and the OFF manager one to its max. 1024x768, and adjusted the CFS3config.exe in the OFF folder according to Polovski's and Winders FAQ and tips.

Now it all works, again - we'll see
... all we can do ... is sit and wait ...sit and wahahaiit ... :d

Thanks and greetings,