Q.: Two problems: Plane explodes at campaign start, and time advance
after some missions i came to one "aircraft inbound - scramble" mission, and after the "WWi world intitializing screen i hear this scratch sound of ripping fabric, and in the next "scene" where the pilot stands at the aerodrome in front of his aircraft this aircraft explodes. I have advanced time, changed anything i know of, but the sim stays locked after every start, and starts with this mission. I have to confess i shut down CFS3 and the Off manager via task manager, to prevent "him" to be killed.
Another thing i realized is that the time does not advance automatically. I'm stuck at august 26th, 1918. Day lock is off, all other settings standard. Ok, i have changed the "," to "." in the regional settings, but still no time advance. Next i switched the whole PC language/regional settings to English/England and then to English/USA, but now trying to start OFF there is a message popping up like "Error 3 type mismatch", and OFF won't start at all. Switching back to German it again works, but no automatical time advance.
I do not think it is a solution to re-install CFS3 and OFF every two weeks ?
Any tips ?
Thanks and greetings,
after some missions i came to one "aircraft inbound - scramble" mission, and after the "WWi world intitializing screen i hear this scratch sound of ripping fabric, and in the next "scene" where the pilot stands at the aerodrome in front of his aircraft this aircraft explodes. I have advanced time, changed anything i know of, but the sim stays locked after every start, and starts with this mission. I have to confess i shut down CFS3 and the Off manager via task manager, to prevent "him" to be killed.
Another thing i realized is that the time does not advance automatically. I'm stuck at august 26th, 1918. Day lock is off, all other settings standard. Ok, i have changed the "," to "." in the regional settings, but still no time advance. Next i switched the whole PC language/regional settings to English/England and then to English/USA, but now trying to start OFF there is a message popping up like "Error 3 type mismatch", and OFF won't start at all. Switching back to German it again works, but no automatical time advance.
I do not think it is a solution to re-install CFS3 and OFF every two weeks ?

Any tips ?
Thanks and greetings,