QC and location freeze up


On one of my installs now I have issue with QC. When I try to change the location, the install basically CTD. Now I have deleted and redone the App folder and cfg file sveral times; likewise the uisel file. Comparing new uisel files in 2 installs; ETO which works and TOW which is the problem, I note some line differences in the uisel files. ( I have made them the same and still CTD when I try and change Location tab setting)

Note thta I can change aircraft and type of missions, just not able to acess anything through the Location tab.

ETO uisel

<AirbaseID type="string" val="fowe66"/>
<EnemyGroundSkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<EnemySkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<GlobalLayer type="string" val="CFS3Europe1943"/>
<MissionType type="uint" val="4"/>
<Pilot type="uint" val="1"/>
<Position type="uint" val="4"/>
<Season type="uint" val="0"/>
<TacticPosition type="uint" val="2"/>
<Terrain type="string" val="CFS3Europe"/>
<TimeOfDay type="uint" val="1"/>
<Weather type="string" val="Calais Weather Cloudy"/>
<WeatherFile type="string" val="Calais Weather Cloudy.xml"/>

vs. TOW uisel

<AirbaseID type="string" val="fowe66"/>
<EnemyGroundSkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<EnemySkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<MissionType type="uint" val="4"/>
<Pilot type="uint" val="1"/>
<TacticPosition type="uint" val="2"/>

also Season Val line in multiplayer section is different

Taking above, I made both as the ETO uisel and still CTD

So what is controlling the uisel and why has it worked and now isn't? :banghead::dizzy:
Hi Mongoose,

I assume you've checked the basics -

  1. Tried to let the game rebuild the uisel for the troublesome install by deleting the AppData uisel
  2. Checked that the cutscenes.xml list of airbases (for ALL countries) has airbase names consistent with the names in the qclocations.xml
  3. Checked that the airbase facility ID number used in the qclocations.xml is consistent with the ID numbers and airbase facility names in the global_layer.csv (a hell of a job - I once spent a very long time on the BoB install getting everything matched up and all airbases able to be flown from in QC mode)
  4. Updated the .lib file.

If you are using some sort of era swapper then I would finger a mismatch between the global layer csv and the qclocations list.

Oh, the joys of CFS3 :dizzy:
I'll double check 3 & 4 but the issue is that I have been using the sane era most of the time and it was OK a day or so ago. I can change out the gsl,csv and lib for a similar install era which I know works and see what happens.
OK compared cutscenes and qclocation files both installs same era. Identical
Put working csv and lib file into the not working install. Still no go.
In non working install, era 1 is working but no other. ujisels indentical.

What files build the uisel? Is that the only AppData file issue?

working install uisel edra 1 and 2 identival
not working install era1 which works identical era 2 which doesn't

The only difference between the 2 install uisels are

<TimeOfDay type="uint" val="4"/>
<Weather type="string" val="Calais Weather Cloudy"/>
<WeatherFile type="string" val="Calais Weather Cloudy.xml"/>


<TimeOfDay type="uint" val="1"/>
<Weather type="string" val="Clear"/>
<WeatherFile type="string" val="0clear.xml"/>


<Season val="400090112"/>


<Season val="483407232"/>

Neither of which IMO matter, especially as era 1 and era2 in the problem install are the same.
working install and not working except era 1 install uisel different:banghead::banghead:


I have also compared qc location files for the 1st 3 eras in both installs. Basically identical between installs.:dizzy:
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Hi Mongoose,

presumably you have both of those weather files?

I have ended up with problematic installs where it is very hard to find what is going wrong. I end up trying things like doing a *.* search of the install (after deleting the bdps), and then sort the search result chronologically, just to find what files I have modified most recently. Often I find I've changed something and then forgotten about it. The *.* search helps to confirm exactly what was changed and when.

Weather files. Yes but as era1 works and era 2 etc doesn't on the problem install, it can't be that since the uisel is the same, only different from the other install.
What exactly is initiated when one presses the location tab in QC? I am wondering if there is a failure there; a failure to initiate the correct file or something?:dizzy:
What exactly is initiated when one presses the location tab in QC? I am wondering if there is a failure there; a failure to initiate the correct file or something?:dizzy:

Some of the options in the location tab come from the QCLocations.xml - City, airbase. Other stuff is contextual - starting on runway, 2500ft, etc. But if there was a difference between the global layer into and qclocations that would seem a likely culprit, but you have already checked that.
I can fly from the base and change aircraft and missions. Just when I hit the Location tab to change even the time and weather, CFs3 crashes. I can also edit the time and weather directly in the xml without and issue.
Well, the first thing it does is look for location.bmp to display the flip out graphic.

The relevant QC dialog lines are

<TabBtn ID="btnLoc" Caption="LOCATION" X="4" Y="150" Width="88" Height="16" Tip="Choose starting location, time, and weather." FontName="rgoldpanel" Dialog="dlglocation.xml" Align="bottom"/>
<EditField TabStop="No" ID="edtLocation" X="25" Y="169" Width="115" Height="21" FontName="textfont" Textcolor="#000000,#000000" ReadOnly="Yes" Image="label"/>

and these call dlglocation.xml which is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dialog Image="quick_combat/location.bmp[1]" AnimType="Slide_Right" Offset="152,114" NotifyOnInit="No" ZOrder="UnderParent">
<ComboBox ID="cmboCountry" X="73" Y="64" Width="163" Height="20" EditImage="common_screens/dropdown_yl.bmp[3]" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000" FontName="textfontflt" Vislines="8"/>
<ListCtrl ID="listCity" X="52" Y="102" Width="183" Height="164" Textcolor="#000000,#000000" FontName="textfontflt" Image="common_screens/dropbox.bmp[1]"/>
<ComboBox ID="cmboAirbase" X="73" Y="289" Width="163" Height="20" EditImage="common_screens/dropdown_yl.bmp[3]" FontName="textfontflt" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000" Vislines="8"/>
<Label ID="ctrl10" Caption="Start position:" X="278" Y="79" Width="105" Height="14" FontName="pptypelt"/>
<Label ID="ctrl5" Caption="City/Region:" X="39" Y="86" Width="63" Height="14" FontName="pptypelt"/>
<Label ID="ctrl15" Caption="Weather:" X="278" Y="184" Width="56" Height="14" FontName="pptypelt"/>
<Label ID="ctrl16" Caption="Time of day:" X="278" Y="130" Width="84" Height="14" FontName="pptypelt"/>
<ComboBox ID="cmboPosition" X="301" Y="98" Width="130" Height="20" EditImage="common_screens/dropdown_yl.bmp[3]" FontName="textfontflt" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000" Vislines="8"/>
<Label ID="ctrl21" Caption="Country:" X="39" Y="44" Width="56" Height="14" FontName="pptypelt"/>
<Label ID="ctrl19" Caption="Airfield:" X="39" Y="272" Width="63" Height="14" FontName="pptypelt"/>
<ComboBox ID="cmboTimeOfDay" X="301" Y="149" Width="130" Height="20" EditImage="common_screens/dropdown_yl.bmp[3]" FontName="textfontflt" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000" Vislines="8"/>
<ComboBox ID="cmboWeather" X="301" Y="203" Width="130" Height="20" EditImage="common_screens/dropdown_yl.bmp[3]" FontName="textfontflt" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000" Vislines="8"/>
<ComboBox ID="cmboSeason" X="301" Y="254" Width="130" Height="20" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000" EditImage="common_screens/dropdown_yl.bmp[3]" FontName="textfontflt" Vislines="8"/>
<Button ID="ok" Caption="CLOSE" X="359" Y="347" Width="86" Height="17" Image="common_screens/pptaper.bmp[6]" FontName="pptypewt"/>
<Button ID="CLOSE" Caption="LOCATION" X="467" Y="25" Width="27" Height="142" FontName="metaltypedkV" Image="label"/>
<Label ID="ctrl24" Caption="Season:" X="278" Y="235" Width="49" Height="14" FontName="pptypelt"/>
I was quite hopeful there for a minute that the problem would be solved.

However with identical files still an issue.
I have replaced with working ERA1s from other installs (as I rarely use that era, all relevant files such as csv cutscenes qclocations and uires are the same. Still no joy.

As a last resort I may rebuild this install which is my main TOW install for testing new stuff. I'll give it another day before I take that final step!
Well having copied a basic ETO install and replaced everything 1 folder at a time from my main install; of course iot all came down to the last but one file in the last folder; namely weather!:banghead: It was a teast weather I had made as well:redfire:

That's 2 days wasted and I'm not sure what is wrong with the file so I copy it below.

<Weather Name="Wind Test Mission Weather 2">
<BackgroundWeather precipType="HeavyRain" skyboxCloudType="BrokenClouds" MaxAltitude="2800" MinAltitude="-100" fogColor="4288332017" Windspeed="0" windDir="0">
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusSmall.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="36" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="600" MaxAltitude="800" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudFog.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="15000" CloudCount="85" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="600" MaxAltitude="800" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloStratus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="20000" CloudCount="45" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="800" MaxAltitude="1200" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<WeatherObject precipType="HeavyRain" MaxAltitude="2800" MinAltitude="-100" Windspeed="66" windDir="300">
<Point Lat="N53 40" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N53 00" Lon="E14 00"/>
<Point Lat="N52 00" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N51 00" Lon="E14 30"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloNimbus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="40" Lightning="Thunderstorm" MinAltitude="1900" MaxAltitude="1900" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusCongestus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="30" Lightning="Thunderstorm" MinAltitude="1900" MaxAltitude="1900" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloStratus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="30000" CloudCount="30" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="1200" MaxAltitude="1600" fogColor="3368601800"/>
Try sequencing the bounds as

<Point Lat="N53 00" Lon="E14 00"/>
<Point Lat="N53 40" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N52 00" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N51 00" Lon="E14 30"/>

The way you had it before follows a ziz-zag crossing the path back over itself to close from the last point to the first one, rather than progressing around the perimeter.

Well, then perhaps it needs to be a rectangle and not a trapezoid or quadrilateral.

<Point Lat="N53 00" Lon="E14 00"/>
<Point Lat="N53 00" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N51 00" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N51 00" Lon="E14 00"/>
No difference. Also seems this is a problem although seems the bounds were the same as the original Wind Test Mission Weather 2

<Weather Name="Wind Test Mission Weather 3">
<BackgroundWeather precipType="HeavyRain" skyboxCloudType="BrokenClouds" MaxAltitude="2800" MinAltitude="-100" fogColor="4288332017" Windspeed="0" windDir="0">
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusSmall.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="36" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="600" MaxAltitude="800" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudFog.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="15000" CloudCount="85" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="600" MaxAltitude="800" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloStratus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="20000" CloudCount="45" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="800" MaxAltitude="1200" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<WeatherObject Windspeed="66" windDir="270" MinAltitude="6000" MaxAltitude="10000">
<Point Lat="N53 40" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N53 00" Lon="E14 00"/>
<Point Lat="N52 00" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N51 00" Lon="E14 30"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloNimbus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="40" Lightning="Thunderstorm" MinAltitude="1900" MaxAltitude="2900" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusCongestus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="30" Lightning="Thunderstorm" MinAltitude="1900" MaxAltitude="2900" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloStratus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="30000" CloudCount="30" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="1200" MaxAltitude="1600" fogColor="3368601800"/>
Looking to other eras in this 10 era install. I have 2 eras with identical gsl and qclocations; 1 works and the other Location tab press makes CTD? What other relevant files would be different?
Well whatever made one work and not the other, in the end taking out a weather file did the trick.:dizzy: In future I advise always check that first if you have been playing around with weather files. Now qc in all installs seems fine.....for the moment anyway.
Hmm, funny you should mention this. i just got a hang not ctd when flying back after QC. I had chosen Torino without thinking too much and it flew fine. I was still over Fowlmere and was fine until I crossed unto the airfield to land. Then it hung. I posted on this in the screenshot thread and will post the pic here too if I can. It looked fine but hung again when I windowed out to come to SOH. I was half done typing when my mouse froze. It eventually came back after ctrl alt del. And touching the case checking heat and all that. But then the movie was gone. Plane was fine and would change but not movie. This has happened once before since I rediscovered ETO on my e drive under win 10. Weather has been a problem too in one case getting started again. And I switched to Spring season too. Otherwise much better than my Firepower install.


  • ETO after QC v 110Gs.jpg
    ETO after QC v 110Gs.jpg
    56.1 KB · Views: 0
Does the same thing happen in different Eras?
Have you got the default ETO weather folder?
Made any changes to the gsl files?
Made any changes to the qclocations ?