QC Location change causing CTD


My new video card is not without it's challenges and It's been a non-stop tweaking process here. Some where along the way, I've lost the ability to change locations in QC. Default Fowlmere is my only option.....if I try to click location it crashes. I've gone into APP DATA folder and deleted the usiel.xml file, but it doesn't correct the issue. Is there a QC Location XML file I should be deleting?:banghead:
Try deleting the whole relevant AppData folder, rename again on MultiCFS3.exe, and redo cfg, etc.
Multi CFS won't let me rename despite several attempts. I did delete my ETO Expansion App Data file and reconfiged, but still can't change locations!
Locations need to be in the qclocations.xml, but equally, they need to be in the global_layer.csv file. Is it possible, that in running a bat file, the global layer.csv has been renamed to something else, and there isn't a file in the global layer folder named global_layer.csv?
ETO Expansion, I seem to remember there being a global layer utility where you could select what airbases to add or delete. I have that in PTO, but not in my ETO Expansion install........ I have added the CFS3 Add on Scenery Database to the install, but there are no bases to select!
PTO had it because certain places were owned by
the Japanese, then fell to U.S., so for some missions
you had to swap ownership.

If you look in the 'global_layer' folder you'll see
5 differently named 'Excel' global_layer files.
These are the Comma Separated Values 'csv' files.
I just figured that out now, lol. The one named
'global_layer' is the era you're in.

It's possible your eras are not aligned.
No, only the one small file. Each era has a global_layer, because
things in the global-layer change as time goes on. Could be a base
in 1945 and none there in 1936.
Perhaps something like this?

<AirbaseID type="string" val="binkRAF170"/>
<EnemyGroundSkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<EnemySkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<GlobalLayer type="string" val="CFS3Europe1943"/>
<MissionType type="uint" val="4"/>
<Pilot type="uint" val="1"/>
<Position type="uint" val="6"/>
<Season type="uint" val="0"/>
<TacticPosition type="uint" val="2"/>
<Terrain type="string" val="CFS3Europe"/>
<TimeOfDay type="uint" val="3"/>
<Weather type="string" val="Clear"/>
<WeatherFile type="string" val="clear.xml"/>
Mongoose is right, that file is in every CFS3 expansion, but
I'm not sure if this is the right direction for your problem...

SOH-TS3 would be much easier!

You said you're stuck in the default location 'Fowlmere',
but did it say that or 'fowe66'? When changing eras sometimes
the location uses the wrong field and causes hangs.
After editing the Useil.xml file I stiill have CTD. Firestorm you mentioned Fowe66 showing up for default Fowlmere. That's what I see in the Useil.XML file.....not in the Airfield drop box in game