QC Location change causing CTD

Been away and will check more but
You should have 5 missions folders and 5 uires folders. ONE, the one that is active, will just be labelled 'Missions' (or should be) and also the matching uires folder should be labeled just 'uires'. The non active eras should be labeled '1936_missions' and '1936_uires', and so on.
Now if you have a mission with a date matching a non 'active' era in the 'active' era, I am not sure what that would do.

I will upload my bat files and you can examine any difference with yours. Note my ETO is in my 'D" drive. (Use notepadd ++ or any 'examine difference' app)

View attachment bats as text files.zip
I wasn't implying that there's something wrong with the Folkstone missions 65, I think that the fact they occur early in the war and me not having all of the neccesary files, caused a glitch in my Era Swapper that I can't correct . Could be wrong, may have to do a complete re-install.....

Hopefully some of the exceptionally talented folks here can help you without doing a complete install, I bet it something gone amiss in those bat files, there's some good guys here already trying to help you out.

Thanks to all for your help, it's really appreciated! Mongoose, I think I'll have to wait till the weekend to examine all the bat. files, but thanks so much for sending me yours. I will keep y'all posted!:very_drunk:
Well, I do have a 1945 Missions folder and a 1945 uries file in my ETO Expansion files.......should I delete them?

No, don't delete them. But clearly there is a bit of an era mismatch going on. If you have the 1945 Missions and uires files, these should be renamed to the default missions and uires, to match the global layer settings. However that leaves the question of what to name the current missions and uires folders? The answer is whatever other era is missing of the five Mongoose talks about. Also, what is the story with the QClocations.xml? Which era is being represented by the default name? Again, look to see which named era qclocations files there are.
One Question. Do you save your installs on another drive ? I have a external SSD and save all my installs and update them before any changes, so i can re-install if i screw things up in the install. If you don't, it would be good thing to start doing. Just a little piece of advice from someone who had to learn the hard way. Sorry for your troubles ,bro. Hope you find a fix. PM me if you need anything. Regards,Scott
If I'm understanding this correctly, being that I'm stuck in Attack in the West Era, I shouldn't see files named 1936 in the Global Layer folder and QC Locations? They appear in both despite 1936 being "active" So, for laughs I removed the 1936 files and now I can switch between Era's.....although the AITW splash screen appears briefly before going to the appropriate screen. The problem of not being able to change air fields, time of day, weather remains!
I hope you checked that you still had 5 eras, otherwise you deleted one of the others! What you describe does happen. Basically the batch file did not correctly change the global era, so another was sill there (as 'global_layer') instead of the 1936 one. Same with the uires and missions if you have a similar issue.
Well I checked my files against what you sent me Mongoose and everything checks out........there must be a file glitch in QC Locations somewhere I'm thinking
Well if you wanted era 1 and still found 1936_global_layer.csv/1936_gsl.lib in your folder, then that is usually a batch file misread. same WRT mission/uires files
I've swapped to Era 5 and I don't have 1945 in my Global Layer folder, so that's a good thing. In the Uisel.xml file QC Airbase ID is Fowe66 which must be Fowlmere, Cambridge. Is that supposed to be the default base?
Hi Flamingskull,
Yes, Fowlmere is the default location and you should see 'Fowlmere' in game,
not fowe66 as that's its ID used elsewhere, and if you do, click location again.

But let's quickly go thru the steps from when you
first click your ETO shortcut and the

MASTERETOSTARTUP is called, he calls
..ETOEraSwapper who flips these into proper era
then calls
..global_layer\ETOGLSwapper who flips
and finally like most expansions:

Now, if it crashes and eras are mixed up, before a re-install, you can try to
rename missions, uires, qclocations and splash24b files to resemble what
you see in the global_layer folder. Did it once for PTO RS and got lucky,
I wish you you luck, too. I guess during MASTERSTARTUP the first batch
works but the second had a problem and quit. So undo the first.

Problem not the Appdata uisel.xml file
it's CFS3 ETO Expansion folder
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I've swapped to Era 5 and I don't have 1945 in my Global Layer folder, so that's a good thing. In the Uisel.xml file QC Airbase ID is Fowe66 which must be Fowlmere, Cambridge. Is that supposed to be the default base?

Yes if I delete my uisel.xml file it does restart in Fowlmere, not Fowe66 . which is the qclocations and a gsl ID. However, if you can start QC from there with the P47, then I assume all is OK.
Fowe66 is the ID used in QC Locations. I switched it to HG (Hawkinge) in the Uisel.XML file and now that's the default start. But I still can't select other locations, weather etc
I suggest you try deleting all the AppData entry. Re run MultiCFS3.exe. Re run cfs3config.exe. Then use the masterstartup.bat to start in era 1 and see what happens. If OK, try each era, checking that the global layers, gsl.lib, mission and uires folders are all as per chosen era. If that doesn't work, maybe you need to start all over again, step by step as per readmes.
Ok, using Master Startup I can switch between Era's, using Era Swapper I can switch also. When I go in the Global Layer folder and open the Global Layer Swapper it says hit any key........I don't see any actions when I do that however, perhaps I'm not supposed to? Still can't switch QC locations and somewhere along the way I've screwed up MultiCfs. My main folder is named CFS3 ETO Expansion, the App Data Folder name is CFS3 Exe.1________. Multi CFS won't let me name them the same thing!:mixed-smiley-027:
1. You should not have to actually work directly on the Global Layer Swapper as that is called for in the masterstartup/era swapper. When you start using materstartup. bat, the screen asks you to select the era and press 'enter' and then maybe any key. That should be all.

2. MultiCfs,exe should let you name it according to the install folder name. I use the install folder name, such as "CFS3 ETO Expansion", or I could use "CFS3 ETO ExpansionD" as it's in my D derive. My MultiCfs,exe name is the same and the Appdata file should be the same as the MultiCfs,exe name, such as CFS3 ETO Expansion_________. If not there will be a problem!

3. So delete AppDatat file
Re run MultiCfs,exe and use the install folder name
Run cfg file
run masterstartup exe, select "1", ENTER, etc.
Close out CTRL Sft Q
Check the AppDatat has at least :-
Folders:- Campaigns, Missions, QuickCom, and Weather
Files:- CFS3.xca and your controller xca such as CFS3_X56.xca, ConfigOverrides.xml, DefaultOverrides.xml, uisel.xml, UnlimitedPilots.xml, and ViewUI.xml

If you don't have those, there maybe an issue

4. Finally, check that the Missions, uires, Global Layer, Sounds (uimusic.wav) are all for era 1 (ie no file called era1 is there). The redo materstartup for all eras and check again.
Not that I ever got that install sorted out......but I did find a folder on my SSD where my Son must have backed up my installs and found a good working version of ETO. I know it's the easy way out, but I'll take it!:jump:
Glad you got it sorted out. Never had a problem once i got around the task of installing this monster. Love it so much. Modded beyond belief now,with the help from friends. Regards,Scott