Question for the experts!!!

Well, as I said earlier, I'd keep ya all updated!!!!

Luckily, I didn't have too much trouble having the runway up-in-the-air. I experimented a bit and adjusted the height down the runway and it appears to be meshing pretty good with the ground right now..

Anyways, just got back from introducing myself to the neighbors!!!!!! :wavey:
I used to play with afcad and SceneGenX a lot with the same sense of exploration. Nice part, as many have found, is fixing the oversights and errors that MS had to live with to get a product to market.
One other bonus is to build a 'flight-test station' .. good runways and maybe a grass/dirt strip, full range of navaids and some parking to test the ATC functions then use it to test and tweak new aircraft. Mine sat (until destroyed in a HDD earthquake) in a very flat area along the Alberta/NWT border with nothing but trees and lakes... only thing the a/c would disturb were Wood buffalo, foxes and birds. It was nice to have a safe haven to fly around until I'd mastered a new type of a/c and kept my 'Panther moments' well away from prying paparazzi :whistle:

Once you learn how to build and tweak flattens, excludes and the other bits it's amazing how you can improve and even enlarge an existing airport and still have a narrow, obstacle-free approach that lets you slip between the autogen buildings.

WARNING! WARNING! this can be seriously addictive!!!:rapture:

Just a quick question:

Is there a comprehensible list of facilities that are available in defaut fs?

Also does anyone know of a freeware HAS/PAS that I can plonk at EGDM coz it looks a bit sparse now I've deleted the standard scenery (and the autogen went many moons ago)?


We should have a sorry to hijack your thread smiley...

Awsome, I've just seen this...

Can I chip in with a question?

I have been mucking about with tweaking a stock airport, no buildings bar one 'box', which doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that it flattens to much of the surrounding scenery/mesh, if I make a new flatten, will it over-ride the default, or will it just add to it. Will an exclude make the difference?

JD, I've played around with excludes before, so I doublt that would help. And as for the default file to alter or delete, I believe (and don't quote me on this) that the default flattens are the bgl's that start with FL.

The problem would be first finding something to decompile them (BglAnalyze9 won't do these files), and then combing through the several hundred looking for the correct coordinates.

There is one possibility that I can test. Which airport are you talking about?

it's Wideawake airfield, Ascension Island. Nice and remote to cut my scenery tweaking teeth with :d Also the setting for the Blackbuck missions during the Falklands campaign. The small hill on the coastal side of the runway should come closer to the runway making it more challenging, but the flatten squashes it out. Only a small thing but it irked me, more-so just to know if it could be done, I'm assuming that flattens can be irregular shapes, not just rectangles? If not, it would certainly not be doable as it would need to remain the same to keep the Apron flat. It would require an L shaped flatten for what I had in mind. I have the updated landclass and mesh which is real nice.

I was amazed to find a tiny, ecelectic grass strip named Blackwood Airpark was already in FS; but just had the strip itself. I added taxiways and parking spots, and am slowing building the buildings themselves. I then added my Fairchild aircraft and a few other "permenant visitors" as AI Traffic. That is the airport you see in my banner graphic for the "Early Fairchild Series" as well as the picture below:

What is the easiest way to add a refueling area? There is suppposed to be a gas pump in the entrance to the small building nearest to the viewer.'s Wideawake airfield, Ascension Island.
The closest thing I found was FHAW, Ascension Aux AB. If that's what you're talking about, I saw the hill to the side. But as far as getting the hill closer, I think the only possibility might be a better mesh, if one exists. I took a shot at something I thought might work, but it didn't.
Yeah Tom, that's her. Sorry not in Sim just now and forgot the title.

Thanks for trying :ernae: I have a new mesh, but the existing flatten cuts the hill in half. It's no biggie, was more to find out if this kinda thing can be done. I'll keep fiddling here, reading there, I'm in no rush.

Sorry for hijacking :focus:
Well, I think I've come to the end as far as what I want runway wise etc.

I also have downloaded "Runway 12" but before I go thru the hassle of loading approx. 85 megs worth of program for a couple of hangars and house's , is there a simple program out there that would allow me to just go into my current scenery folder and copy something out of that and place it at my new airport??


don't think so, the co-ords are built into the bgl files, you could possible edit the co-ords whith something, but wouldn't fit your field. I imagine the amount of bgl editing would be far more work than using RW12 (I use EZScenery, similar idea).

My problem is now solved thanks to Tom, many many thanks for that. PS, the taxiway trick worked great, flattened out fine. My new problem is that I used AFX to create an exclude, which excluded my EZScenery added buildings aswell as the default ones. Got some more tweaking to do, lol. This scenery stuff is addictive.

Thanks JD, I was reading up a little on that EZ Scenery - doesn't sound like it's toooooo hard to use.. I might try that this weekend..

And yes I agree, this stuff is addictive!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think there is a newer proggy by the same guy that made EZScenery, I think Panther mentioned it, might be the wiser option, dunno, ain't tried it. I already had EZScenery. Bought me AFX which is like AFCAD2 but lets you see your editing live in the sim plus a few other little additions, I like it. I also got Lago's FS Scenery Enhancer a long time ago and it allows you to do some stuff the others don't AFAIK, also some scenery supports this so you get some extras if you have it. Ambient sounds and moving objects as far as I can work out. It's a fairly old proggy and I ain't got to grips with it yet, Want to add some moving vehicles to my first scenery project if I can figure it out.

thanks to the posts here and advise and help from Tom, I'm getting happier with my version of Wideawake. Many thanks and I now have my twin hills :d

What is the easiest way to add a refueling area? There is suppposed to be a gas pump in the entrance to the small building nearest to the viewer.

Depends on if you want a visual or functioning fuel, probably both?

EZScenery and similar progs will add the visual, but not the refuel function as far as my experiments have shown. There was a thread asking about this recently, regarding the function, shouldn't be to far back, involved a proogy I haven't heard of, but will be looking into to add fueling to my little project.

The other scenery program that places objects and made by the same who made Ez is Instant Scenery. Great proggy that goes well with AFX. I have both in order to work in both sims.