Question for TIR Users...



I've come to the conclusion that the view system of CFS3, and thus unfortuantely OFF as well, sucks hard enough to start an 18-wheeler via the exhaust pipe. I'm only comfortable with the classic numpad system which CFS3/OFF doesn't have. I can't make heads or tails out of padlocks and the panning thing just doesn't work for me at the ranges and bearing rates of WW1 furballs, although it probably would be OK in a WW2 setting. So the bottom line is, I can't see a damn thing, so I can't fight.

Normally, I'd take my lumps, uninstall the game, flame the devs, and go on. This time, however, OFF itself is great and CFS3's failings ain't the fault of OBD. Not being able to enjoy OFF due to the never-to-be-sufficiently-damned CFS3 view "system" is I problem I really want to overcome. Thus, it looks like I'll probably have to bite the bullet and get TIR...

But before I blow that amount of change, I'd like some info from TIR users on the following point. Thanks in advance.

Can you turn TIR on and off quickly and easily while in flight?
One of my big problems with padlocks is that I can't shoot with them because the view is always flopping around confusingly while I'm trying to line up the sights. From looking at demo videos, it appears TIR does the same thing. So is it possible to toggle TIR off so you can take a shot with the fixed forward view, then seamlessly turn it on again to resume looking around?

Any other things you can think of along these lines, to help a long-time numpad view user try to adapt to life without it, would also be appreciated.

Thanks again.
F9 turns Trackir on and off, but if you use one, you won't turn it off. It's like being in the cockpit. You can lean over and look down the iron sights, lean other words, you can look anywhere. If you do get off of center you just push F12 and it centers the view. IIRC you can set a "dead zone" in the center. If you decide to spring for one, once you use it you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.

Best thing I can say is forget about padlocks, they're no-longer required, you are the pilot, and THEY never had padlocks.
As to sight alignement, you wish to maintain a straight line between your eye the front of your gun ( gunsite if equipped) and the target. They use the F12 key, to align the site to your eye any time you want, target aquisition that depends on you piloting.

In the first few weeks, you'll form a strong bond with the F12 key. But as time goes by you'll need it less and less. I do it once before each mission, that's if I lock in my wheelchair first, a computer chair has casters, thats the reason for F12

Back in Phase 1, we had a member who had flown every combat sim since CFS1, he bought a Trackir and Lost His Lunch, all over the keyboad, turns out he got deathly airsick . . . Who Knew ?
Next day he sold it on ebay

When you first get it,and for the first couple weeks. Keep a trash pail Handy. You Never Know
Just got mine 2 weeks ago. Everything Cameljockey said above is dead-on-the-money.
I know what you mean about the padlock view and targeting, Bullet, but however it may look on video I don't find it to be a problem in the same way. As Camel said, you can set a deadzone for your center-forward view, though I personally like to keep it as real as I can. In fact, with some of the guns (Bristol Scout, for example) aiming in weird directions, it's nice to be able to lean over and look down the sights.

Regardless of what you feel you need to do... you need to order a Trackir right now!!!

Well... did you order it yet?:ernae:
I am flying the Bristol Scout at the moment, which has an off-centre gun sight (and gun, for that matter), but I have found that F6 toggles the view from centre-cockpit view to eye-behind-the-sight view, and back again - and my TIR appears to deactivate temporarily when I go to gunsight view (so no wobbly sighting). I think this is also the case for the other a/c, although I havn't tried them all yet. You can map these, and the F9 key to 'pause' TIR and the F12 key to re-centre TIR, to your flight stick. Like other TIR users, I no longer use padlock views, keypad fixed views, or hatswitch. Worth every penny :)


I´m using the trackIR 4 pro now, for a week, and I won`t miss it in a single flight again. Immersive, natural, whatever you wanna call it, it is. I use it on IL2 1946 with the aaamod for 6dof, while I`m still waiting for my OFF P3.

Besides a good joystick, it is absolutly worth the money, and best spent. you will never use a padlock sight,cause you will know then how limited you have been without TrackIR.

See you in the skies,..........hopefully soon.:faint:
TrackIR is amazing Bullethead! I waited a long time to get it, but it was a revelation when i did get it. It only took me a few minutes for it to feel natural and intuitive.

smithcorp (also over at Jutland)
Thanks for the answers, guys. That was my main worry, that TIR would have the same wobbly sight problem as a padlock.

Unless there's been on other choice, I have never used padlocks in my life because they have 3 major problems:
  • wobbly sight picture unless you turn it off before shooting
  • an inability to maintain SA because of the automatic fixation on just 1 enemy in a big furball
  • an inability to tell which way you're looking, and thus which way you need to maneuver, unless some part of your plane is in the view (more of a problem for open-cockpit WW1 planes).
I could tell that TIR would solve the latter 2 problems in the same way as the numpad system, but I was very worried about the 1st. Thanks for clearing that up.

And howdy to Smithcorp! I've seen BadKharma in here, too. We'll have to figure a way to combine OFF with Jutland, eh? Put the Strutters on the tops of BB turrets :).

I ordered Track IR 4.0 with the pro clip last night, should be here in a week I think. I spoke to many on the subject be for I put down the 166.00 US for it, as well as watched many "demo" vids.

My biggest downfall is maintaing SA on several aircraft at once, useing the padlock sys... flying WW1 air combat good SA is a must. every thing is a knife fight in close, so loosing sight of just one pilot it will cost you 15hours of flight time in a heartbeat. (Grrrr)

If your reluctant to buy right away I'd be happy to give you a "novice" review when it comes in.
You guys have cause to celebrate, when I purchased mine, the thingie that goes on your headset didn't exist yet

The YouTube didn't exist yet, and we're only talking 2006

They cost $179.95 plus shipping.

Talk about a 'Leap of Faith'

But you'll find, any game that was a favorite, yet doesn't support Trackir will gather dust. Especialy Flight Sims. Since I got Trackir I haven't played CFS2 once, and mine ain't stock anymore :applause::applause::applause:
once you get used to trackir (it still takes a flight or two for me if I haven't played in a while), it truly puts you in the seat and SA becomes as easy as driving down the highway. its that simple. Tracking itself adds more to any flight sim than any amount of new graphics or cool effects could, and if you play any mp than its like bringing a gun to a knife fight. buy it, you will not regret the purchase.
But before I blow that amount of change, I'd like some info from TIR users on the following point. Thanks in advance.

BH, I had the same problems you mention with situational awareness in OFF. I used to barely get by in Red Baron, which had a better POV view system than CFS3. But I couldn't stay alive in the air with the CFS3 view system.

So after a week of trying P3 without TrackIR, I sprang for the ProClip version. I second everything said above about not needing a fixed forward view to shoot when you have TrackIR. On my setup at least I can shoot better with TIR than I ever used to do in RB.

p.s. for BH: It's good to see you over here :). I'm a veteran DG/RJW player, though with a different name on the DG forum...
But I couldn't stay alive in the air with the CFS3 view system. So after a week of trying P3 without TrackIR, I sprang for the ProClip version. I second everything said above about not needing a fixed forward view to shoot when you have TrackIR. On my setup at least I can shoot better with TIR than I ever used to do in RB.

OK, you sound exactly like me in OFF. I'm convinced. Now I just need to get it through the Finance Committee ;).
It really is worth the cost. Once you've adapted to the virtual cockpit views with TrackIR you'll soon see a gain in situational awareness and shooting skills. As others have said, even the most experienced TrackIR users can still become disorientated in a busy dog fight, so always remember - if this happens, use the keyboard or controller selection to re-centre the cockpit view. In that way you'll get your bearings instantly, instead of whirling around trying to get a fix on something.
6DoF has turned this into a whole new experience for me. I've had the TiR4 for over a year and not used it until now. I had two previous versions which saw a lot of use, but they were simple panning jobbies. With this one I'm moving my head all over the place to see under, above and around stuff. Simply fantastic.
Bullethead said:
OK, you sound exactly like me in OFF. I'm convinced. Now I just need to get it through the Finance Committee ;).

One thing, though, is that I got the TIR4 "ProClip" version. For $30-odd more, you get an infrared-LED device that attaches to your headset (see the TrackIR website for details).

I dunno if I really needed that, as opposed to the simpler "reflective hatclip" version, but I'd heard a lot about the hatclip not giving enough light to trigger the TIR pickup device all the time, so I sprang for the extra $.

Just tried mine out on Off p3 and like it.
For any wanna be's, users, or complete babes in the woods

On the original OFF Forum: See the STICKY Trackir . .:kilroy:
Hi, Bullethead
As long as you haven't got TrackIR:
There is the "static view" (forward, forw. left, forw. right, left, right, rear left, rear right) to use via hat. Good for quick check everywere.
Then there's the "pan view" (gliding view, also via hat).

Now, there's a key command to toggle between them. If you put that command to a button on top of the joystick (Button 3 for example)
and the command for "center view" on another (Button 4 for ex.), you can have both views, quickly toggle between them,
and always quickly center view for shooting.
For me, that is the ultimate use of view, next to TrackIR (but I'll get it soon, too!)
Cheers; Olham