Question for TIR Users...

Hi Bullethead - I'm Tsarina from the jutland forum. Nice to see you playing hooky over here, too! I sprang for my TrackIR recently, for all the above reasons. Was supposed to get it this week, but now it's backordered until 2/11. Wish we could have a "Rutland of Jutland" scenario for OFF3, eh?
Was supposed to get it this week, but now it's backordered until 2/11. Wish we could have a "Rutland of Jutland" scenario for OFF3, eh?

Good to see you, Tsarina ;).

Yeah, I see somebody's converting an LST into a WW1 seaplane carrier. Then we'd just need Steve to convert all the Jutland ships to OFF format and scale, and we'd be golden.
Now, there's a key command to toggle between them. If you put that command to a button on top of the joystick (Button 3 for example) and the command for "center view" on another (Button 4 for ex.), you can have both views, quickly toggle between them

Yes, I read your post on this in the old forum and have been trying that myself. Unforunately, I can't follow anything with the panning view because the up/down is backwards to what I'm used to. From like 15 years of flightsimming, I'm hardwired to move it the hat the same way as the joystick goes, so I always end up checking my zipper when I need to be looking up ;). I can't find a way to reverse this axis in the set-up, either.