Have you been able to sort out the wing lights being 10 feet off the ends of the wings and the smoke being not lined up? If so, I'd apprecaite if you can share the aircraft.cfg segments that you got to work? Any other tweaks also appreciated. I love this plane and have since FS9.
I had my Realair scout and Citabria working from FS9, but went ahead and purchased the FSX version because I really like those guys work.
Hi Eric,
I apologize for getting back with you so late. Here is the cfg file's light section. I looked at the engine start smoke and it looks normal to me.
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=Taxi, 7=Recognition, 9=Logo
//Lights Seen from Exterior
light.0=3, -3.47, -13.80, 0.32, RASSF260_navred
light.1=3, -3.47, 13.80, 0.32, RASSF260_navgre
light.2=3, -17.84, 0.00, 0.62, RASSF260_navwhi
light.3=2, -3.48, -13.80, 0.27, RASSF260_strobe
light.4=2, -3.48, 13.85, 0.27, RASSF260_strobe
light.5=1, -9.80, 0.00, -0.98, RASSF260_beacon
//Cabin Lights - set as taxi lights (type=6) so they can be controlled separately to instrument lights
light.6=6, -3.50, 0.00, 2.60, RASSF260_vclight
light.7=6, -2.40, -10.75, 1.80, RASSF260_WingLight
light.8=6, -2.40, 10.75, 1.80, RASSF260_WingLight
light.9=5, 0.00, 0.00, 0.20, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_xenon.fx
//light.9=5, -2.40, -5, 1.8, fx_Shockwave_landing_light // Shockwave light
// There appear to be default vortices in FSX so these aren't needed.
//light.9=7, -8.47, -13.80, 0.32, RASSF260_Wing_Vortex
//light.10=9, -8.47, 13.80, 0.32, RASSF260_Wing_Vortex