RAZBAM and Carenado goodies on sale...

I have a copy of the C-185 'Bouncing Fix', dated 2010 that I downloaded from Carenado way back then.

To be honest, I never installed the updated .cfg file; with some practice I've been able to land both the Tundra and Standard versions without bouncing down the runway.

I found that for some reason, the 185 needs to be treated with kid gloves! On the Takeoff roll; let the tail come up naturally, and let her lift off on her own. On Landing, she needs just the right combination of flare and airspeed so that she lands 3 point, right at the stall. If I really concentrate, I can get her on the ground 3 out of 5 times with a minimal amount of bounce.

Another thing that helps me personally is the addition of the 2D Panel that's over at FlightSim.com. It was made using a .bmp image of the VC Panel, with 2D gauges. I also added a Lift Reserve Indicator (LRI) gauge, which is similar to an AoA indicator.

Just my 2¢... santa1.gif
I never had a real issue with the standard Carenado C-185 model. Yeah... it'll bounce if you don't come down softly, also a flaps up landing can be an experience in itself, as in the real airplane. I have flown a Cessna 180, with a 220HP Lycoming engine and a McCauley 3 blade prop. Basically a C-185 conversion. You can put 6 blokes in that plane with all their gear, and it won't even flinch while flying in the Colorado mountains. Landing that plane takes a certain degree of finesse. Seems that the slower the airspeed over the fence, the less chance of bouncing, although the real deal doesn't bounce quite like the FS model...:redfire:. BTW, I don't have the tundra version.

Flyon, I think it is time to step back and take a deep breath and count to ten. As Tom Clayton, a fellow moderator has already warned this thread is in danger of being closed and deleted.

You were right, I needed to count to ten. Or in this case, a count to a thousand would have sufficed...lol

I went into the manual that came with my JF DVD. That manual isn't just a few pages -it's a pretty thick book actually, 240 pages worth- and it goes to great lengths to make sure that you know exactly what you bought.

In reading that manual, it clearly states that the JF and CS versions are non-compatible with each other.
(It must have something to do with copyright protection between both developers, and I was wrong to attempt to morph both versions onto FS9. Doing so would or will probably mess up registries and registry values, and I should have known better...)

So I bought the base pack directly off of CS. In the process, I had to delete the JF Legendary planes, but the expansion pack works now.

In the final analysis, I should have done a lot more homework before buying anything -can't blame that on any company or software developer, that's on me.
In essence, my words in this thread towards CS (before tonight) were a bit harsh, so for that I will now apologize to moderator Tom, yourself, the SOH site admins, and CS...

The thing that I miss about not having the JF Legendary vs the CS Base/Expansion pack? The JF FS9 version had a neat program built into FS9 when you installed it on your pc. It was a feature that you could call up in while in flight: C130 mid-air refueling.

It's a great way to utilize the radar package in the C130: You click the link (see screencap), and it "calls up" a tanker. You then find it on the radar, and then fly to it and attempt to do mid-air refueling.


The key word in that last sentence: attempt...lol

So in the end, it's nice to have the extra versions of the C130, but I really liked the JF C130 refueling program, I hated to lose it.
It's a tough trade-off for me now, but the problem's fixed.

Thanks for the "deep breath" advice Pat...