Charter Member
I'm planning a new internal build for myself (Sofie aka 'Madame Lash' will be away next moth for a few weeks!) as I bit the bullet and sold one of my bikes, pretty much SOP.
Somehow I've become the local 'go to guy' when people have a PC problem which leads to a new build, and I choose carefully based on what they need, rather than the usual off the shelf bottom of the line 'Specials'.
Great opportunity for me to look at a fair range of components, and I must say, I'm staggered by the poor quality of the units that so many retail outlets sell.
Equally appalling, the number of lost or forgotten passwords, little or no backups and complete lack of 'Computer Hygiene'!!!!
As always, if I explain what I'll build and why I choose certain components it is a way of educating the end users, a few days of supervising once they are up and running leaves me with happy 'clients' and a feeling of satisfaction.
Of course, at times it is like herding cats, but we get there in the end, and my nominal costings go into my 'PC Slush Fund'.
Plus I make myself available when the inevitable 'User Induced' problems arise ..........................
Aside from keeping my hand in, making a little extra for my own projects, I learn something new most times.
Computer hygiene seems to be a lost concept for most users because we have such busy lives. Unless you do this craft for a living you would rarely see its importance. Personally I am happy it is that way...more business for me LOL! I got kick out of your comment up above. Most of the clientele I used to work with required little supervision, but now because of a move to a city in which I know hardly anyone, most of my work is on the phone...I am glad I don't have to pay by the minute on my unlimited plan! However you are right in that in supervising the process there is some learning that is still beneficial to me too. Just when you think you've heard everything someone comes up with something totally outta the park. Of course there is also the learning curve for new things that constantly being developed. This is an exciting time to be in the computer business. I will one day hang a shingle out again and be open for business. Right now my time is limited because of a new field of endeavor. I really like the fact that so many knowledgeable users in SOH are willing to lend time and expertise to others so they can enjoy flightsimming. I made a new friend up here that lets me fly with him when he is in town, other than that I haven't been able to do any stick time so simming is paramount. I'm glad you are a key part of this forum WOMBAT!