Real Air Spitfire repaints

Hello all,

I do prefer the way John Terrel gives the link for some of my repaints (thanks). I don't like to have them on Mediafire or equivalent because all the advertisements they have... but enjoy them. This addon by Real Air is definitly one of the best for FS2004.

You can download them on our website SimAero Passion (I don't have the right to post links - I thought I posted more than 20 messages here... :sleep:) but it's in French, Téléchargement link.

Merci beaucoup Michael pour le lien de simaero, mais je seulement cherche le texture de RB159 a ce point.

Only the mediafire links don't seem to work on my PC. Maybe so because I have a download accelerator installed which may not support such a link.

Thanks for all the tips, but for the moment, I'm still unable to download RB159.

Well, I'll just get airborne in a Belgian Spit for now ...:wavey:

Open your eyes F. L. :salute: ,because

DW O D, RB159, 610sq, Sqn Ldr R.A. Newbery, West Malling, 1944 and Lympne, septembre 1944 is in the pack 1.

You can see all the details on our website www?simaero?passion?free?fr (replace ? by .) then Téléchargements link

Normally I don't make these request, but as I think you might have made a paintkit for the packages I take the opertunity to as you a favour.

In the period March 1944 until July 1944 Dutch 322 sqn flew V-1 interception missions with the Spitfire Mk.XIVe. The original registration code from 322 sqn was VL, but this changed to 3W in the period the squadron was flying the Mk.XIVe. To show it was a Dutch squadron the aircrafts had a small black outlined orange triangle on the nose.

Therefore I would like to ask you if you are willing do a repaint of a Mk.XIV from 322 sqn. Most preferably with the 3W registration. I don't know how correct the model on Francois's picture below is, but I know they aircraft RN678 with registration 3W-Q did exist.

Thanks for taking it into consideration,



Picture by Francios.
Hello Huub and all,

I'd like to help you, but since about two years I'm less involved in design for FS. I still follow up new addons and things to know but with a new PC, Vista then Seven, I didn't take time to install development tools. I have a paintkit but made for Photodraw, an old Microsoft software not compatible with PSP or Photoshop.

I can't promise anything at the moment. I just can say maybe. but thank you for your confidence in me. I didn't know this squadron and I find this interesting to add to my first two packs of textures.

Fly high! :ernae:
Thanks for your reply Michael and as said before; thanks for taking it in consideration.

Hi Huub, maybe you know about these, but Morton did some great repaints for the PR xiv spit including a 322 sq scheme, looks great in FS9
cheers ian
Thanks for the HU Ian, as I didn't know this one. However I don't have Paul Rebuffat's Spitfires installed anymore. And compared to the RealAir Spitfire the PR Spit looks very dated, so I don't think I will reinstall it again.

Dutch 322 sqn flew the Mk.Vb/c in the period 1943-1944, I might do a repaint for BrunoSK's Spitfire. Princess Beatrix might be nice one and there was a plane called "Noordwijkerhout, which is a village 4 kilometers from where I live (I live in Noordwijk).

Sorry to have hi-jacked this thread....
