Seems difficult to find any German books, as most aces didn't return from the war. I found MvR's "Der Rote Baron", which is said to be diary-based and written by himself (that would have been still at war then - but I'm suspicious there, as the oldest one I found at Ebay, was from 1933 - so I'm not sure, if perhaps it was manipulated for propaganda by the Nazi's. Does anyone know?);
and I saw "Mein Fliegerleben" by Ernst Udet (which was already mentioned here). So, does anyone know more about the above, or can recommend other German titles? Thank you all.
guten abend olham,
i've got this book at home. MvR wrote this book himself or with help of a ghostwriter during his headinjury and his vacation in summer 1917.and it was first published in 1917. the british goverment was also interested to publish his book in GB so it might have offered some ways to learn about his techniques and so helping the allies to bring him down. my version of this book was printed 1935 with a foreword of hermann goering as the last leader of JG1 before the armistice. in this version the book starts with the history of the family richthofen couple hundred years ago and about the youth oh MvR. there are also some letters added he wrote during the war and some letters to his mother during the last weeks of his life. after MvR's book the are some pages added by LvR about his life and the time he spent with his brother. there are also some pages added by his youngest brother bolko, about how he managed to get manfreds body to germany and about the "official" funeral in berlin, joined by former comrades of him and hindenburg. the book is definitely worth reading, although you better do not expect some great writers talent. it's rather simple and you will notice at some points his lack of writing talent, but as i said, it is worth a read. as long as i know some minor things were changed from the nazi regime or probably added in some sentences, like e.g. after boelckes fatal accident as MvR said that nothing happens without god's will. a fact one should always remember. this sentence in my version is simply missing compared to the original.
here is a link to the online version of the book in english