Reg's Hangar closing soon - for good.

Hi everyone!

Greg has just contacted me and asked me to post this message.

Could you put this statement up for me.
Hi everyone. Sorry I can no longer support Regs. It is got to the point that I have lost all contact with my provider and don't remember how to do the web page work. So I have told John to let you know Regs could go down at any time. If it does I won't be able to get it back up. As a result it is better that you get what you need for the future now. I will try and pass the files on to some one else. It is also possible that the sites payment is Automatic which would mean it would continue. But I can't be sure of that.
I would like to thank all those that supported Groundcrew and Regs Hanger over the years and I special thanks to Mathias, Alex, John, Nick, Ted and Hobbit for their work which has been on the site. The history of Groundcrew and Regs has been long so it is sad to see it come to an end. Once again thanks to everyone and good luck for the future.
If there is a way this needs to be saved somewhere..

Greg and Regs hanger is a true blessing to many.
Including a crazy hobbit..
Thanks for this wonderful site..
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Thanks to ALL who have shared their hard work freely to so many..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
I will download all of this if needed and store it.

Would hope that this could be transferred to SOH perhaps??

John told me of this a few days ago and what a shame. I visited the site a while back and there is a sense of history there that CFS3 will never have again if lost. I have all the files that I uploaded there, but that is a small fraction of what will be lost if we can't find a way to relocate the files. I will work with anyone who wants to store and host my files. of our touchstones. Always there when you needed a piece integral to so many missions....thank you for so many years!
Hello Everyone,

I have been in contact with Greg regarding the site and this morning I received this message from him.

Hi Mitch,
I have just discovered that the site fee was paid automaticly last month. This is why the site didn't go down last Saturday as it was supposed to. So Regs will be up for another year after all. I will decide on it's future next June.

If you are still interested then we can talk.

Regards Greg Law

Very Good News!! :jump:
I have been in contact with Greg regarding the site and this morning I received this message from him...

Thanks Mitch, that's excellent news! :medals: I'll leave this sticky up for a little while yet so as many as possible know.

Up to this point, a number of us have been saving Reg's Hanger in its entirety and asking permission of those whose work is there to re-upload it here at SOH or another suitable host. To date we have permissions from :-


and of course seacondor himself. I hope we can get the other contributors' permissions (before next June, lol!) so this treasure trove for the ol' sim can be preserved.
Sorry to report this, but Reg's has gone, Greg had some trouble with the provider, they were trying to charge him twice, he desputed this (quite rightly), so they have taken the payments and closed the site down!

Greg is trying to help to get someone else to take over Reg's, so when I get more info I'll post!
Reg's is back up, issues have been fixed for the time being, but hopefully we have a new host to take over, I'll let him tell you the details when it's all finally sorted!:mixedsmi:
Hello Everyone,

Greg has taken me up on my offer to handle the hosting of Reg's Hanger. I do consider it a privilege to care for the site. I felt it was something I could do to give back to the group and I wish to thank Greg and the others who have content on Reg’s for the trust they have put in me.

As you all know the site is currently up and running. Greg and I are currently working on the process of transferring the domain and the hosting at the same time. Hopefully the transfer will be seamless but we all know that things can happen and Reg’s could temporarily go down during that process. If that happens I have set up a mirror site to Reg's at:

In the mean time I am going through the site pages to familiarize myself with Greg's file structure and taking the time to clean up some of the old links. For example a lot of the aircraft pages link to the old AvHistory site. I am changing them to link to the appropriate file links at SOH.

I will be keeping everyone posted as to the progress of the transfer.

Thanks for your support.

Mitch “mrjmaint” Johnson