If you're looking for some beautiful mountainous scenery
and a challenging takeoff/landing...
So yesterday I decided I’d challenge myself by taking off from the destination in the current landing challenge, LFPS Notre dame de la Salette. Takeoff was really challenging in the Jabiru J160 – I actually had to pushback farther up the hill to succeed. It was stupid-easy in the Savage Grravel, but that’s not a plane to use when you want to challenge yourself to anything except maybe landing in a 50-foot open space.
Little did I know what challenge awaited me. I looked at the map for the closest destination airport and found LF79 Mont Aiguille. So took off, admired the beautiful valley and towns below, and flew towards LF79.
I see that Mont Agille is a huge, stone mountain. Impressive! I approach it and start looking for the field near its base.
The field is not at its base. Looking at the GPS, I realize… It’s on top of the mountain. I was near the base of the mountain, and the Jabiru doesn’t climb well at all at that altitude, so I had to fly out away from and it do a circling climb to get up to the level of the mountaintop.(Pic above.)
Turns out there’s not an actual ICAO airport up there, but there was a stunt pilot, Henri Girard, in the 50s-70s who’d landed a J-3 Cub up there, and started taking paying passengers up to the mountain.
It’s a big area to land on, but you don’t want to overrun the runway. Again, the Jabiru made it much more challenging than the Grravel.
I got the Jabiru down safely, but I landed directly upslope and started sliding backwards! I just managed to turn it around, finally, at which point the downslope made it easy to get enough speed to take off again.
I recommend this flight plan.