Released! Spitfire Mk IXc for Microsoft Flight Simulator


Great Spitfire from XP11 goes to MSFS:

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Now that's a pretty bird and a major incentive for me to go with MSFS!
Shame it's another MK.IXC just the same.

Only, and I mean only if it has the distinctive Spits soundset tuned for fs2020. Tired of these warbirds sounding like old trucks in FSX.
Only, and I mean only if it has the distinctive Spits soundset tuned for fs2020. Tired of these warbirds sounding like old trucks in FSX.

I have A.F.Scrubs converted FS9/FSX Spit in my P3Dv4.5 and the sound is fantastic! Turn your audio equipment to full and your neighbours will call the police :jump: because they are persuaded that a warbird is terrorising the township!

BTW: Another Spit, okay - but it's a little bit boring to me and I would appreciate more british cold war warbirds in MSFS, with military AI as well. Then I could imagine that I change to MSFS some time...
Love the idea of having a good Spitfire! But there are sooo many awesome warbirds, and I think this is the fourth Spitfire I've seen mentioned? Flying Iron, Aeroplane Heaven, and DC Designs on the payware front plus Rob Richardson's awesome late-model freeware.

At least everyone is doing different mark, so there's no actual duplication:
Aeroplane Heaven: early Mk. 1A
Flying Iron: Mk. IXc
DC Designs: Mk. 9/14
Rob Richardson: Seafire Mk. 47

Plus DC Designs has it way down their their prio list, so by the time Dean gets to it the SDK will be so much more mature that it'll possibly be differentiated that way. :)

Hopefully we'll see a Hurricane, Sea Fury, Tempest, Typhoon, etc. down the road too...
Love the idea of having a good Spitfire! But there are sooo many awesome warbirds, and I think this is the fourth Spitfire I've seen mentioned? Flying Iron, Aeroplane Heaven, and DC Designs on the payware front plus Rob Richardson's awesome late-model freeware. At least everyone is doing different mark, so there's no actual duplication: Aeroplane Heaven: early Mk. 1A Flying Iron: Mk. IXc DC Designs: Mk. 9/14 Rob Richardson: Seafire Mk. 47 Plus DC Designs has it way down their their prio list, so by the time Dean gets to it the SDK will be so much more mature that it'll possibly be differentiated that way. :) Hopefully we'll see a Hurricane, Sea Fury, Tempest, Typhoon, etc. down the road too...
All of those Spitfires and not a single CW Mk.V! Don't they know which one is the best? ;) Would love a PR.9 as well.
Hopefully we'll see a Hurricane, Sea Fury, Tempest, Typhoon, etc. down the road too...

The sudden proliferation of Spitfires means that I may change tack for future releases. My P-47 Thunderbolt is well advanced in development now, but I may switch the Spitfires for a Hurricane instead or something, jsut to maintain variety in launches and not have a situation where I'm releasing the same things as others.
About the video, found that engine roar, very musical. Why not the real thing? Would rather prefer and will buy something different, not more Spits. How about a Martin-Baker MB5?
All of those Spitfires and not a single CW Mk.V! Don't they know which one is the best? ;) Would love a PR.9 as well.

We have commented before that if the Mk1A does well enough we will be producing the MkV. Also, we have commented on our FB that the Hurricane is coming to MSFS.:engel016:
I like the early Spitfire marks too - but when it all comes down to brass tacks, I like the Hawker Typhoon and Tempest just a bit more.
About the video, found that engine roar, very musical. Why not the real thing? Would rather prefer and will buy something different, not more Spits. How about a Martin-Baker MB5?

I'm afraid the same basic rules apply to MSFS as they always did with FSX and P3D. For commercial viability one needs to go with the well-known, traditional subjects. More obscure subjects like the MB usually remain with the freeware devs. We do have one or two surprises coming however.:engel016:
The sudden proliferation of Spitfires means that I may change tack for future releases. My P-47 Thunderbolt is well advanced in development now, but I may switch the Spitfires for a Hurricane instead or something, jsut to maintain variety in launches and not have a situation where I'm releasing the same things as others.

A Hurricane is always welcome.
I'm afraid the same basic rules apply to MSFS as they always did with FSX and P3D. For commercial viability one needs to go with the well-known, traditional subjects. More obscure subjects like the MB usually remain with the freeware devs. We do have one or two surprises coming however.:engel016:

ok Bazzar, I respect your opinion as a developer. Allow me to express mine. For years now, since the beginning of Flight Simulators (the ones from Microsoft and P3D) I'm a client for many developers. And to be honest, quite tired of buying always the some models, of course with quality improvements. Think I´m the average simmer, not caring to much about systems modelling, just take-off, test the airplane, look at the views and the plane, going from here to there, land, medium or realistic flight model depending on the machine. Love that.
So I bought a lot of planes during all this years. A few civilian twin engines, lots of Spits, P-51s, Cessnas, C-45 Dc-3 you name it. Some of them your make.
Got P3D v5 installed with a lot of stuff from ORBX and I mean a lot. Its a good sim. With a lot of very very good aircraft installed. Great amount of money spent. Since I own MSFS 2020 rarely used.
To conclude...if I want to fly one of the planes I own in P3D, and they are excellent, I will fly them in P3D. They are paid for, twice, from FSX to P3Dv5, will not pay 30-40-50€ again for the same plane even if its better and sure they will. The one in P3d will do the job. You say "For commercial viability one needs to go with the well-known, traditional subjects". Market it is.And you now better...Wonder if a good Lag-7, KI.84 Hayate, Oscar, KI.100, Fw-190 and the Dora, Me-262, Dewoitine D.520 and a lot of others not so well-know, but important in aviation history and the military will not sell. Personally, not going to add another plane that I already own and use in P3Dv5. Regarding MSFS, for my type of flying, sightseeing, stock planes are enough and, btw, bought the Mb339 and WIMF5 reasonable priced excellent models. Now will wait for something really new. Not the ones I see in line.
Best regards, stay safe
Beaufighter makes some very good points. As flight simulation has evolved it was inevitable that there would be duplication of models and aircraft. I have serveral versions of the same aircraft. Each has it own attributes. For me I guess I am looking for new inovations which come with advances in technology. This is probably why I purchased MSFS 2020. These are exciting times with our hobby approaching reality. I look forward to all the aircraft Baz will bring to use. Also a recent favorite is Dean's beautiful F-15 package. Great times in flight simming are to come.
I understand all the arguments but the fact remains that the volume market for developers lies with the middle-road subject choices. We are all aviation enthusiasts, otherwise we probably wouldn't be in this hobby but when it comes to business, the head has to rule. There are many, many types I would love to produce for MSFS or P3D but common sense says no. You may not remember but we did produce a Lavochkin a while back. In fact it was one of the first products with a clickable cockpit (wow!) and full detail in the VC. I'd like to say it sold well but our Spitfire of the time outsold it 10 to 1. The one "different"product that has performed remarkably well for us over the years has been the Grumman F3F which we are considering for the new sim because we have been asked for it many times now.

Another point which must be taken into consideration when selecting a subject is the sheer time it takes to develop for the new sim. Without doubt, it is the most complex, time-consuming process we have yet to experience. Careful selection of subject for commercial must therefore be of paramount importance.

I applaud those devs that have the courage to do something a little different - I just wish I could believe that they get the investment back.