Released! Spitfire Mk IXc for Microsoft Flight Simulator

I think we can count on the small shops or individuals to be the only avenue for non-mainstream aircraft.
Alabeo was probably the last large-ish professional shop to take on this segment - and the works they made Staggerwing, GeeBee Z, and the like from the Golden Era probably made some money.
Aerosoft's Hughes H1 kit was another that maybe struck a chord.

But for mass appeal and best opportunity for a decent ROI the bigger outfits have to build the established favorites.
All that the previous list of flight sims does is reinforce the truth of the formula - tells us in hard terms that this is the case.

I'll take a hard look at whatever the best shops put out there. But my money will go faster to those who build new, less common types.
we might not ever see Matty Laird's race planes, or a Lockheed Sirius or Orion. Probably never see a Hall's Bulldog, Wedell Williams 44, or Curtiss Sparrowhawk built out by a Carenado, Aeroplane Heaven or the like..
But if we did I would buy it in a heartbeat.
I'll take a hard look at whatever the best shops put out there. But my money will go faster to those who build new, less common types.
we might not ever see Matty Laird's race planes, or a Lockheed Sirius or Orion. Probably never see a Hall's Bulldog, Wedell Williams 44, or Curtiss Sparrowhawk built out by a Carenado, Aeroplane Heaven or the like..
But if we did I would buy it in a heartbeat.

If only it were true....
Back on topic, BETA testing... looovvvveeeee IT! :)


I understand all the arguments but the fact remains that the volume market for developers lies with the middle-road subject choices. We are all aviation enthusiasts, otherwise we probably wouldn't be in this hobby but when it comes to business, the head has to rule. There are many, many types I would love to produce for MSFS or P3D but common sense says no. You may not remember but we did produce a Lavochkin a while back. In fact it was one of the first products with a clickable cockpit (wow!) and full detail in the VC. I'd like to say it sold well but our Spitfire of the time outsold it 10 to 1. The one "different"product that has performed remarkably well for us over the years has been the Grumman F3F which we are considering for the new sim because we have been asked for it many times now.

Another point which must be taken into consideration when selecting a subject is the sheer time it takes to develop for the new sim. Without doubt, it is the most complex, time-consuming process we have yet to experience. Careful selection of subject for commercial must therefore be of paramount importance.

I applaud those devs that have the courage to do something a little different - I just wish I could believe that they get the investment back.

Takes me back to the halcyon days in IPMS when every time a new manufacturer arrived they always produced a Spitfire, Messerschmitt, Mustang and a Zero.
If only it were true....

well - if you know something about a possible commercial FS developer bringing out a Type 44 please don't be coy - I stopped buying green bananas..
NM - I just reviewed my PM's and remembered your query regarding this aircraft.

I wish I had the skills to develop aircraft for flight sim..just don't have time to take the 3D modeling courses and learn all the other disciplines required to do it properly
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I am counting down the days to when this one is released, I am really looking forward to it!

In-case anyone didn't right-click on the photos and select "view image":



"Two more screens for the Ozzies!"
I'm nit picking but A58-602 RG-V was a brand new Spitfire HF.VIII assigned to Wing Commander Bobbie Gibbes in early 1945.
Gibbes was Wing Leader of No.80 Wing, Sattler Airstrip, December 1944.
The HF.VIII was the preferred type for the RAAF, with a few standard MK.VIII and the occasional MK.IX and MK.XVI (One IIRC) superseding the MK.V's.
And the No.80 Wing 'Ace of Spades' emblem on the rudder was placed upside down on Gibbes' aircraft.
Ace of spades emblem

when I was in the RAF I served on 81 squadron when they flew Canberra PR7 in Singapore. The official badge was a red star of Russia with a sword but they also sported the ace of spades. This was taken on during the war when they flew spits. During operations in the Mediterranean, they found their most frequent opponents were Jagdgeschwader 53 who had an ace of spades motif on their aircraft. As the squadron commander considered that they had 'bested' their enemy, they took the motif and started applying it to their aircraft.

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Beaufighter makes some very good points. As flight simulation has evolved it was inevitable that there would be duplication of models and aircraft. I have serveral versions of the same aircraft. Each has it own attributes. For me I guess I am looking for new inovations which come with advances in technology. This is probably why I purchased MSFS 2020. These are exciting times with our hobby approaching reality. I look forward to all the aircraft Baz will bring to use. Also a recent favorite is Dean's beautiful F-15 package. Great times in flight simming are to come.

I'm waiting for the developers to figure out a way to insert actual smells and temperatures into the sim🤣. I'm imagining doing carrier operations and experiencing the heat from the jet's exhausts, plus the smell of JP5! :biggrin-new:. NC
I'm waiting for the developers to figure out a way to insert actual smells and temperatures into the sim藍. I'm imagining doing carrier operations and experiencing the heat from the jet's exhausts, plus the smell of JP5! :biggrin-new:. NC

Actually that's not entirely impossible, Chief. I used to drive my beloved LNER Peppercorn Class A1 Tornado steam locomotive in Train Simulator wearing a small scarf to which i added a few drops of 'steam' and 'burning coal' aroma/scent. No matter what flavour you'd want, from 'Spaceship Aroma Oil' to 'Pinguin Poop Aroma Oil', it's all there waiting for you in a small 25ml bottle (up to 1 Liter if you like).

"No matter what you want" is not exactly true because if you'd search the site for 'aircraft cockpit' or 'jetfuel' it will return "nothing found" alas. A few years ago i contacted 'Aromaprime' where i had bought a few aroma samples to inform them that there's a million flightsimmers outhere all waiting to upgrade their virtual cockpit immersiveness with smell. They said they'd think about it but, as you can see at their site, no cockpit smell has been added to their vast collection yet.

However, it's your brain that you want to decieve into thinking it is in a vintage jetfighter cockpit, who cares if this happens thru 'new car' , 'machine oil', 'leather', or 'pinguin poop' aroma or all together, as long as it works it's alright. :)

Have a look round here:
Actually with the amount of aroma gadgets on the market, designing a small hardware adapter with a software interface for the sim should not be too hard. After all you can use your apps to control stuff around the house so it's only one step away from that.

I'm off to register Back soon.:engel016:
Actually with the amount of aroma gadgets on the market, designing a small hardware adapter with a software interface for the sim should not be too hard. After all you can use your apps to control stuff around the house so it's only one step away from that.

I'm off to register Back soon.:engel016:

With a surgeon general's mention: The navigator fart aroma does not contain fecal matter! :biggrin-new::biggrin-new:

Back to the Spit I guess??
