Here are a couple quick, raw videos I have recorded of both takeoff and landing. This is with the updated version (1.0.1) and follows my described methods for takeoff and landing, which are accurate to real-world Mk.IX Spitfire operations.
- Elevator trim +1 (nose up)
- Rudder trim 75% right
- Brakes held, stick back and to the right
- Power up to 1,800 RPM
- Once power is stabilized, release brakes and power up to +6 Boost
- As the speed increases, start relaxing back pressure on the stick while maintaining right aileron input
- Let the tail rise about 6-inches off the ground and keep it there until it flies off on its own
- Flying the overhead at 500 ft with a midfield break to the downwind
- As the speed bleeds back to below 160 mph, the landing gear is selected down
- Flaps are lowered as I turn onto the base leg
- Once on the base leg the prop is set to full fine/high RPM
- Aiming for about 100 mph on final approach and 90 mph over the threshold
The experience in the sim isn't as choppy as these videos make it seem, though the performance flying around the area shown hasn't been very good ever since the latest Sim Update.