hey ho ZZ..

I think you're right.. The Albatros are slower in the 'roll' than the later ones .. Today I been mostly flying the German planes. I think the Fokker DVII's are the pick of the bunch.. .. they do feel to me like a plane should!!.. BUT..
But what do I know.... but I know what I like..
I was thinking about this 'feel' thing .. and I dug out my X-plane sim this afternoon and it reminded me of what annoyed me about it..

and much is directed towards systems (rather like the real world aviation) than low slow and be accurate or die.. whereas, in contrast the demands of OFF are to make the planes controllable and flyable so it possible to aim and shoot each other down..
I think the illusion that the 'sim/game' has to get over is that of inertia.. the plane has to feel as though there's some mass that you can steer and that you have to learn to control the 'physics' input that is needed to move it accurately about.. The camel may be a pig with wings... but it seems to behave like a pig with wings should!
So the joystick (pedals) travel and 'gearing' to the control surfaces is of course indirect and can't be realistic but it can be 'sensible' ie sort of repeatable so the relationship between the input you make and what the sim tells you your plane has done can be learned .. and maybe you can fine tune the profile of your stick but IMO this is not the key.. the relationship between the input and the response has to be reliable and sensible so the 'physics' feels right..

What I think OFF has got nailed (I also think the planes I flew in IL2 had it too) ,and it's not simply due to the absence of 'turbulence', is that it somehow magically conveys this 'feel' that the thing is half a ton or more moving 'smoothly' along the arc of a 3D trajectory (coordinated or not) ..
'Stunting' the Fokker DVIIs is pure pleasure..I think the illusion is that excellent..I can believe this thing is sliding and carving beautiful smooth arcs through the sky..and I'm controlling it.. Thanks guys .. that feeling alone is worth twice the donation..
Stunting the Camel is less pure pleasure but the illusion is there.
Its just that now in order to get the smooth trajectory to get me where I want to be I have to learn some unusual rudder skills.. BUT when I do it right it feels like I think it should .. and when I do it wrong.. it still feels like I think it should!!
Another part of the illusion of controllability is the scale of the objects.. the visual perspective cues have to be 'realistic' or stable anyway.. You can't have 300ft tall trees and silly height buildings around the airstrip and expect judgement of the approach angle and height above apron to be reliable..
BUT maybe this is enough already..