REX Atmos

I don't have it "Yet", but from what I have seen on the screenshots and the current SALE price, I plan to get it. If it increases the overall environment any at all it will probably be worth the small investment.
Does anybody use REX Atmos? If yes, is it worth getting?
Hi Montie,
I have it & use it on every flight, it definitely adds much better lighting & atmospheric detail to the sim. It even works well in VR.
I was going to try reshade but I can't get access to MSFS.exe file. There is also access to a multitude of user profiles, so far I have only used the shortlist in the app control centre & this has been sufficient.
If it's on sale grab it! To me it's one of those essential apps for MSFS2020.
After this thread popped up, I went to and bought it at their very low sale price.
After download and extraction, a Form pops up requiring serial number and other purchase info!
Shades of 2004... problem is, the "Form" is dumb and won't scroll to the end to complete the manual (No copy+paste!) entry.
Now, it's in the bin, awaiting response to a service ticket request.
I am having lots of sim vendor troubles over the holiday period Grrr.
After this thread popped up, I went to and bought it at their very low sale price.
After download and extraction, a Form pops up requiring serial number and other purchase info!
Shades of 2004... problem is, the "Form" is dumb and won't scroll to the end to complete the manual (No copy+paste!) entry.
Now, it's in the bin, awaiting response to a service ticket request.
I am having lots of sim vendor troubles over the holiday period Grrr.
Odd, I bought it from the REX store and was using less than 5 minutes later.

So far I am happy with the purchase.
After this thread popped up, I went to and bought it at their very low sale price.
After download and extraction, a Form pops up requiring serial number and other purchase info!
Shades of 2004... problem is, the "Form" is dumb and won't scroll to the end to complete the manual (No copy+paste!) entry.
Now, it's in the bin, awaiting response to a service ticket request.
I am having lots of sim vendor troubles over the holiday period Grrr.
Personally, I will never buy from, but that it just me.

I'm very happy with simmarket, ORBX, JF and the likes.

I just loaded it 20 minutes ago and it told me about an update. One thing updated was the registration page or process or something to do with registration. I still had some weird install goings on, but it seems to be installed and registered once again.
Shades of 2004... problem is, the "Form" is dumb and won't scroll to the end to complete the manual (No copy+paste!) entry.
Yes the "Form" is dumb, and if your display happens to be zoomed a little, the end of it is not visible!
By purest chance I unzoomed the screen and found a "Register" button.
Going off to, and finding the serial # (nevermind the "Reference", also required) on FS.2 proved counter-intuitive also.
Last happened pre-WIN 95. Hope the software is better than the front end, I am not really tempted to try it anymore.
The video link is to a good review of Atmos. I like the split screen as it allows you to see what Atmos does to the sim.