Richard Bong- inappropriate language -explain this to me?

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Charter Member
I just downloaded the P38 "Marge" from SOH for my PTO. This aircraft was flown by Richard Bong an American Ace in World War II.

I tried adding Richard Bong or Dick Bong to my American Pilot Roster. It accepted Richard or Dick. The system would not accept the name Bong?

The message indicated as follows "A full name is required.The Last Name must be between 1 and 30 characters long and cannot contain inappropriate language."

The Name "Bong" was highlighted:isadizzy:
Don"t you understand CFS3 is a mostly a ETO Sim and Richard Bond fought and flew in the Pacific Theater. Whats wrong with you! LoL:icon_lol:

There are other community and Sims that are more respectful to those who fought and died in the Pacific Theater.
It's said that altitude is critical in air to air combat, so if the pilot is high that's a good thing I guess...

:USA-flag:Shame on you!

Just remember you are making fun of a American war Hero who fought and risk his life in a very tough war and died for your freedom while testing a new fighter in the prime of his life that was to be use in the defence of Democracy against the future threat Comunism.

Thats more than most of us have done throughout or own lives.

You would not like it if someone would make fun of your nation war Hero name.

I think a little respect is in order.

Just because you errously think all the Heroe of WW2 belong in the ETO does not give you the right to MAKE fun of those who fought in the PTO.

In the PTO our Ally and our Troops fought as hard if not in some time cases harder than in the ETO. The Japanese was a strong, dedicated and dangerous enemy.

To me they are all Hero"s no matter where they fough or who they fought.

They risk their life and health so we enjoy the freedom we have today!:USA-flag:
Lighten up, they are not making fun of a war hero. They are making fun of the fact that CFS3 defines the word "bong" as drug paraphernalia, its called irony! Too many people are just just waiting to be offended or can't wait to play the victim, please don't jump on the band wagon.

It appears I will not be able to add Richard Bong to my Pilots. I am going to look at " CFS3 NEK Information" and see what I can do?
It appears I will not be able to add Richard Bong to my Pilots. I am going to look at " CFS3 NEK Information" and see what I can do?

I have Watched my sons (2 teenagers) using text in various blogs ect, and what they do when a word is not accepted, is to add something, like
B.o.n.g Of course you may not want to do this, but as a last resort and you really want to add the name, try experimenting with this
Richard Bong
was a hero
now we play a game
does that make him less a hero
because we only know the ETO
i know more about bongs than most of you put together
shame on you all:pop4:
agree that was priceless ////

all i know is attempting to attack a rack of bombers with backup , up there , is a real nerve racking mind bender .

dont care what the name is or was , or could be ..there all heros in my books , with or without added features of the mind blowing kind in there system .

if it was me id be , without question looking hard at some purple micro dot to fill the skys with colour upon my demise ...hero or not
Thank You Jaycee

I took your suggestion and it worked! I have my Richard Bong. Thus ends this thread.

There is place I am going to try and visit this summer is Superior Wisconsin. To visit the "Richard Bong WWII Heritage Center.
Thanks Griz

The information is great. I especially liked the "Acepilots" writeup. He was sent over to a housewife in Oakland to help her hang her wash and any other chores.

She had complained about her wash being blown off the line by low flying aircraft. he must have been good.

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