Richard Bong- inappropriate language -explain this to me?

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Lewis1177 I know what jumping on band wagon means.

Since you know now what it means I think you miss used it in your previous comment.

Hey there is no bad feeling towad you from my part.

Have a good day:icon29:
No bad feelings here, just trying to prevent an unnecessary squabble. My english is not perfect eventhough its my native language.

Lighten up, they are not making fun of a war hero. They are making fun of the fact that CFS3 defines the word "bong" as drug paraphernalia, its called irony! Too many people are just just waiting to be offended or can't wait to play the victim, please don't jump on the band wagon.


I'm w/ you, Lewis... it's just a bit silly

but are we sure the 'faux-pas' was cfs3? _there are quite a few really lame web censoring services and very few are worth a dam IMHO......:kilroy:........
Richard Bong
was a hero
now we play a game
does that make him less a hero
because we only know the ETO
i know more about bongs than most of you put together
shame on you all:pop4:

I went to art college Henry, I could prolly give you a run for your money! :kilroy:

all in the past and in the name of fun naturally.
I went to art college Henry, I could prolly give you a run for your money! :kilroy:

all in the past and in the name of fun naturally.

I'm Dutch, no further explanation required I would say. Do not need an art college for that:) I don't like bongs that much though......

Speaking about Richard Bong, yesterday I flew a quick combat mission against a Thomas Bong, so perhaps the reason why you cannot add the familiy name Bong in CFS 3 (any version) is because it's already in use....?????
I just downloaded the P38 "Marge" from SOH for my PTO. This aircraft was flown by Richard Bong an American Ace in World War II.

I tried adding Richard Bong or Dick Bong to my American Pilot Roster. It accepted Richard or Dick. The system would not accept the name Bong?

The message indicated as follows "A full name is required.The Last Name must be between 1 and 30 characters long and cannot contain inappropriate language."

The Name "Bong" was highlighted:isadizzy:

That's odd... i made a new bomber pilot with the name "seymour t*ts" and it didn't so much as flinch...

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