RNZAF Kittyhawk Mk.IV NZ3287 "Esma Lee"

Would be nice to see how Gloria looks today...
Any chance to get a pic?
I beleive the owner doesn't like any pics taken (assuming he lets you take any), to be published - ok for private use only. I'd love to see a few pics of Johns stuff, as well....
I visited where the P-40 NZ3220 and others are stored a while ago, but didn't take pics .Been there twice. The owner's quite happy for people to have a look and take photos. There's a whole DH Mosquito as well, big paddle blade props and all, the complete plane, stored in the shed. I've found a pic on the web of NZ3220 as it is today:

You can see the faded O/D paint on it(well it looks like it to me...) and the bomb symbols. Hard to make out the flags now though, very faded.
Thank you for your kind comments, guys!

You can see the faded O/D paint on it(well it looks like it to me...) and the bomb symbols. Hard to make out the flags now though, very faded.
Faded like the rest of the airframe, eh?
Thanks for the link anyway!

@ Roland:
Sorry for the glass issue. I tried to fix it for my previous "Esma Lee", but failed.
One of the reasons I paint for FS9 only...
But since the rest of the aircraft shows up nice in FSX, I'm quite convinced that someone over at the FSX forum section (or even here?) might have a clue.


Hi, Steve!

Silver Barge is not forgotten!
But it will take some time:
Tim "Piglet" Conrad has an impressive technique to make bare metal finished aircraft appear less boring by setting each metal sheet to a slightly different shade of gray (including the alpha shade), as seen on his T-Bird and the Delfin as well. I'll try to make use of this method on the Silver Barge, but this will take some adjustments to make the aircraft not coming around like a checkerboard...

Brilliant effect Bill - sort of mimics what we used to do when fixing foil to get the same effect on kitsets - do each panel in a different direction.
Might be a bit too pristine, though, for a service airplane...
What do you think?
Is the effect overdone?

Hey Bill,

It looks brilliant but I agree with SPman that it might be a bit too pristine for a service aircraft.

If I might offer a solution, have a look on Simmers Paint Shop in the link below and see if you could incorporate the flowers and noise pattern into the repaint just to break up the natural metal look a little more.


Thank you for your comments, guys!
This noisy overlay pattern sounds interesting, I'll have to give it a try. Too bad my PaintShopPro hasn't got any "flowers" to add...
I also agree concerning the pristine appearance. This should be a service plane and no highly polished showbird!

Back to the paint shack.

Too bad my PaintShopPro hasn't got any "flowers" to add...
I also agree concerning the pristine appearance.

Hey Markus,

In the link I posted, towards the bottom of the page in the comments section, there is a flowers.zip attachment. I believe it is a PSD file but it should open in Paint Shop Pro.

Thanks again.
The flowers turned out to be not too useful in this case, but the noise overlay leads to this not-too-polished natural metal surface:





The alpha layer is tuned down some notches and the range of gray shades for different panels is diminished. Maybe there is still too much noise on the sheets.
This is the quite glossy default model, now for the wing textures...

What do you think?
