Robert's Cape to Cape adventure


It has been a busy weekend. Having to work on top of Easter, on top of mother's birthday, on top of some yardwork.

Now time to fly.

ENHF to ENVA. Heinkel Doppleblitz. GW3. Default real weather.
Robert, entrants are automatically placed in each race. There is no need to declare which one. Hope that helps.

"Each race is scored separately, with a rank ordering for the Precision Race and also for the Reference Race."
Here is a shot parked at ENVA. Forgot I had the AI on. Default GW3 install. Never seen this guy before.

You have a couple of options, Robert.

(a) Since you were landing when the crash occurred, you can treat this as a crash landing. Take the leg as flown (using the time from departure to crash landing) and start from the new airport. You add a crash penalty to your flight log.
(b) You can simply re-fly the leg. Don't count the invalid leg time in your log book. You do add the crash penalty, of course.

Not sure what you prefer. But normally, one might as well take the "crash landing" option--advancing to the next airport while incurring the standard crash penalty. No reason to re-fly unless you want to.

This clearly is an odd crash. You had landed and were on the ground moving at 10kts just before the "event" happened.
I'll take the penalty and the leg.

Hopefully these folks here will have that hole in the runway fixed before leaving.

Now all I have to do is put the tail back on the Heinkel. Anyone have some duct tape?