Robert's Cape to Cape adventure

Safe at Cape Town. Weather was clear till about the last hour or so. Winds were something else. Some of the best and worst of this event. Had a nice 30kt tailwind for awhile, then turned to a 40kt crosswind and then a 55kt quartering headwind. Still, pretty close to my guess time. Off to Nellie's bar.

This has been a hell of an adventure. A big thanks to all those that set up this event. :applause:
A great pleasure to follow that classic Heinkel over European and African landscapes. A true adventure.

Congratulations. Austin's buying!
A great effort .... really strong finish.

It's been a pleasure to follow .... special "pat on the back" for completing in GW3!!

Congratulations Sir .... now off to the bar with ya!

Welcome to Cape Town!...great scenery shots along the way!:wavey:

The olympic judges gave you all 10's across the board on the landing BTW. :applause:
The party has loosened them up a bit....they're hinting that 9's are pretty much anything you walk away from. :wiggle: