Rob's F9F Cougar!

Cannot get the throttle on my Logitech 3D Pro to work with ?

Cannot get the throttle control on my Logitech 3D Pro to work with the Cougar or the Vampire! It works on all other aircraft. All other functions on the stick work. Any ideas mates, I'm puzzled?

You just have to change the pilot to the military one in the options.


Don't have the model (yet), can you shoot us a screenie of the mil pilot ? Thanks !

Edit: scratch that, Priller, i saw the other screenshots of Jan Kees' repaints showing a mil pilot figure with white helmet. Great ! :encouragement: (that life preserver is contemporary but soit... ;-)

Z type flight suit, MK-2 life vest,H-1/4 flight helmet, US Navy MS22001 O2 mask, B8 Goggles, that's the deal in the 1950's for sea-going jets.

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I did a lot of work on the P3D version; as I recall the leading edges of the flying surfaces were painted with an aluminised anti-corrosion paint called (if memory serves) Corogard. It was used extensively on US Navy aircraft in the 50's, 60's and 70's, on both blue and grey/white schemes.

Have a great holiday, Jan Kees! Hope you're doing something really fun.

And thank you!

Would love to see the Blue Angels and the orange/white training liveries, if anyone is feeling "paint-ey!" Cees Donker did some nice versions for the FSX version of this plane, but looks like he hasn't joined us on the MSFS side.
That I can do if Jan doesn't beat me to it. My problem is I cannot get the throttle to work. I had the same problem with the Vampire, but I got that fixed by simply removing the file and reinstalling. I have the same problem now with the at Simulation's Cri-Cri since the latest NVIDIA driver update. The throttle works fine on everything else, I am so perplexed.

Here's an old shot of my 1/72 Hasegawa F8F-8 Cougar in Blue Angels markings. I have a full set of Blue Angels aircraft in 1/72 scale, including the F7U-1 Cutlass (Gutless), the old Aurora model, which is box scale and comes closer to 1/70.

Jankees, where can one get Rob's Repaint Kit for the Cougar for MSFS. I have a Blue Angels paint just waiting to happen.

Okay, I have the Paint Kit, it's the same as the one for FSX. But can anyone please help me with this throttle problem, neither my joystick throttle or the throttle in the sim will work. The Cri-Cri throttle now works after a deletion and reinstallation. That worked with Rob's Vampire also, but it did not with the Cougar. I have no idea what the problem is.

Okay, I have the Paint Kit, it's the same as the one for FSX. But can anyone please help me with this throttle problem, neither my joystick throttle or the throttle in the sim will work. The Cri-Cri throttle now works after a deletion and reinstallation. That worked with Rob's Vampire also, but it did not with the Cougar. I have no idea what the problem is.


You'll have to go into the options and assign (reassign) every throttle entry to the throttle of your joystick I'm afraid. I had to do it too. After that, it works like a charm.

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Cazzie, awesome shot! I collected a bunch of models way back I was going to build (was a voracious model builder as a kid/teen!), but they remain in my closet. I had an F7U-3 Cutlass I was going to do as the Blue Angles -1. (And just live with the inaccuracies. :)

As for the throttle, just bind Throttle 1 to your throttle axis, and it will fix all of these planes. (If you only have a single-axis throttle, go ahead and bind Throttle 2-4 to it as well.) A number of planes have this issue due to MS changing stuff around the throttle axis a couple of sim updates ago.
Many thanks Priller and Denny, I shall be doing that when I get offline.

Denny that's an old digital shot, I really need to update photos of my models now that I have a very good DSLR for shooting them (Nikon D5500). Here's the F7U-1 Cutlass.

Priller and Denny, can't thank you enough, that worked fine. Smooth flying jet too. Now, give me a few days and I'll get a Blue Angels livery out for you. It will be technically incorrect because the BA Cougars did not have guns as the Panther did, due to the Panther doing demo during the Korean War and the possibility they might be called to active duty there. I have got to learn how to work around the .json file thing, all new to me, the repaint is no problem.
