Rob's Vampire FB5 available

Well, I am making progress, but no cigar yet. Throttle responds to my HOTAS, but when I advance it to full, the engine spools down and shuts off. NC
nice, a full day downloading some mandatory update of 90G

I don't think there'll ever be a mandatory update that large, that's the entire sim being re-downloaded. Usually that means that the sim lost its link to the community folder. SU11 beta started today, so I wonder if that's what triggered it?
As I mentioned in a post uptopic, you're running into the throttle controller issues introduced a few sim updates ago. Try mapping your throttle to both "Throttle" and "Throttle 1" in the controller settings area. It will warn you that you're already using the mapping, but that's not a problem. Hopefully that will help.
Yep, working now. Thanks :NC

Same issue with my saitek x52 pro ! :banghead:

A solution ?
Scroll through the responses here in this thread and you should see some tips on mapping the throttle axis to either Throttle and/or Throttle 1. Try different combinations and see what you get. Don't forget you have the option to save different profiles, so if one throttle mapping works for one plane and not others, save the profile separately for that one plane to make it easy to switch functions.