
A fun flight up the Columbia River Gorge to Pendleton OR. Although the last few minutes of it got pretty exciting for me. Seems my carbs iced up and my engines started sputtering on short final. And seconds before I was going to touchdown, all 4 engines decided they'd call it a day and quit. Kind of a rough landing. I kept messing with them and managed to get them started back up so I could taxi to the ramp, but they were sure smoking and running rough. Guess I'll have to get the line mechanics to look at them before we take off again....

Darnit! I just found out that we just missed the 100th Annual Pendleton Roundup.
:salute:Here are some snap shots of our flight from Portland to Pendleton, as usual we went crazy shooting pictures. Sure hated missing the 100th annual Pendleton Roundup, Shucks, had my boots polished, and had bought a new hat, oh well, there is plenty of head room in the DC-4 cockpit so I can wear it while fllying. So I will be a drug store cowboy!
Here are a couple more photos from the flight. I sure didn't get to see the top secret P-61 from Shunk works. Must be time to get the old eye checked!
Some more photos of Shooting the Gorge with Taco, Willy and the nimble Douglas aerobatics.
Great to be joined by SrG in the DC-4's big Douglas brother, the Globemaster.
Interesting flight for me tonite.

First, when I took off, I rotated too early, got airborne and was going gear up when it stalled and did a belly flopper on the runway, bounced back up into the air and then flew like nothing happened. Had me wondering if the gear was going to work on landing.

Then the server burped and bumped me off. No biggie that just a tad aggravating.

After that I did a good one. I was scooting in my chair to get more comfortable and my foot slipped. When it did, it hit the computor tower right on the power button and shut it down. I couldn't do that again if I tried.

After I got back up and online, I warped back into formation and the rest of the flight went pretty well.
Final flight of this adventure. Reno to San Francisco. We had a great time and MM did an excellent job with the itinerary. Moses did great with the Real Engine gauges for the DC-4 as well.

We're kicking ideas around for the next one and hope it'll be as good as this one was....
:salute:Hi Everybody,

Well, the Rodeo event is over, and it has been a barrel of monkey of fun. A big thanks to all! Pictures: The last takeoff, and the journey ends.:kilroy:
Just a question, does anyone have any idea what route they took in The High Road to China, and what type of aircraft were they flying. Been a long time since I seen that picture.

Best I can tell, they flew from "London to China." The London end is fine. The China end is a bit non-specific at best... :icon_lol: It was based "loosely" on a novel by Jon Cleary, according to the all knowing and all seeing Wikipedia.
I just read another review that said it was Turkey to China. IMDB/Wiki says the movie starts with the heroine is living in Istanbul, but fly from London. Unknown. Have to watch the movie, I guess.
I have been trying to find information on the route for awhile without actually having the movie.

It was one of those movies I really liked when I saw it but I don't think it was a box office smash.



The biplanes, Dorothy and Lillian, are French-built Stampes, which were built after WW II. Actual Stampes were civilian aircraft without armament. This explains the high mounting positions of the Lewis guns. See more »
I found these repaints for a Stampe

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Early Aircraft FS2004/FSX Stampe
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 12,353,431 Date: 07-24-2010 Downloads: 448
FS2004/FSX Stampe. Textures only and panel 2D-VC for Stampe RSV4. Includes two textures (red and blue) for the Stampe RSV4 of Eric Dantes, constructed with FSDSv2. Thanks also to Alayn Gourio by texture of Stampe classic (STAMPE11.ZIP). The textures are film version wood prop, with 2D panel and VC of "High Road To China" (1983). By Enrique Medal.

It flies well enough but yes it is slow. Slower than the Puss Moth. :icon_lol:
