Rollus Mirage 2000 refresh

Beautiful work líguane. The real M2000 is a beautiful aircraft as well. I regularly saw them during my holidays in France.



Mirage 2000B upgrade pack


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Military skins - Post Cold War

Description: Mirage 2000B upgrade pack

requires Roland Laborie & Jonathan Hilaire "Mirage 2000N Basic Pack" or "Meeting Pack"

Includes custom mdl's, effects & one Mirage 2000B Livery from 2/2 Côte d'Or squadron


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Mirage 2000B-01 Prototype


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Military skins - Post Cold War

Description: Mirage 2000B-01 prototype livery

requires Mirage 2000B upgrade package below


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Mirage 2000D 3/11


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Military skins - Post Cold War

Description: Mirage 2000D from 3/11 Corse squadron, based Djibouti.
Includes one livery and one additional mdl file

requires Mirage 2000B pack below


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The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Mirage 2000D 1/30


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Military skins - Post Cold War

Description: Mirage 2000D livery from 1/30 Côte d'Argent Experimentation squadron, based Mont de Marsan
requires Mirage 2000D 3/11 pack below


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The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Frank, Rohan, Huub

You're much welcome ! I'm really glad you enjoy them !

More to come ! I'll probably finish & release the DGA "connected flight test" scheme by tomorow

Hallo L'igouane,
Merci, beau travail.
what a difference to fly compared to a WWII bird I fly usally, LOL
would it be possible to get some checklist?
I did fly her from Istres CEV,
not to know the settings for landing nore other settings every landing is a bit hazardous.
Hallo L'igouane,
Merci, beau travail.
what a difference to fly compared to a WWII bird I fly usally, LOL
would it be possible to get some checklist?
I did fly her from Istres CEV,
not to know the settings for landing nore other settings every landing is a bit hazardous.

Hello Papi,
You can find a manual in french for the 2000N in R. Laborie release here :
Using a translator you might get all the info you need about systems.

My 2 cents : the 2000 is most enjoyable at lightweight, the clean model is associated with Mir2000N-L airfile which represents this clean configuration.
Just remember to set external and auxiliary fuel level to zero manually.

Then you get a very manoeuverable airplane with lower approach speed. I get 170/180 kts with approx 160 over threshold at 12/13° pitch up - then throttle idle and flare a little.
You may use an ILS frequency, if available for better path and axis indication. On the right lower corner of the HUD, you get a little green rectangular box. Switch it on and you get an artificial runway edge on the HUD when approaching minimums and below (approx 300ft AGL)

The heavier the airplane is, the higher the approach speed will be. At full load, 200kts aiming at 170 over threshold seems to be a good value.

I notice I didn't enclose an updated eye view in the release, try these for better in flight forward visibility :
eyepoint = 0.3, 0.02, -0.28

Don't hesitate to move up the seat (MAJ+ENTER) as necessary for landing. (I fly it exclusively in VC view)

Mirage 2000D DGA/EV


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Military skins - Post Cold War

Description: Mirage 2000D from DGA (Direction Générale de l'Armement) - Essais en vol livery
requires Mirage 2000B upgrade pack


To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit Mirage 2000D DGA/EV
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Salut l' iguane,
and thank you for job!
I' ve installed your textures in a FSX portover and everything is fine.
Not so good is the AB of IRIS Mig 27, even worst than the original.
Is there a way to fix it?
And what about the AB effect of the " new" KO Mirage F 1?

Thanks lucame
Je ne comprend pas les instructions pour les gauges

l'iguane,Many thanks for your excellent re-paints of this French stilletto, they inspired me to follow all the links helpfully provided, and download this lovely looking killer. I always tweak, fiddle with or alter base a/c and fine-tune the handling characteristics . In the original panel fit, somewhere there is a gouge to enable the automatic slats to function according to the flight regime of the moment. My French is not up to translating all of the many gauges used in order to identify the gauge to activate this automatic deployment function in my changed panel layout. Can anyone point me toward the correct gauge and the requisite installation instructions for the gauge and how it is addressed in the aircraft cfg? Can live without it, but like the auto flap deployment in the IRIS F-14, it is a cool little aid to the pilot.Thanks again for these lovely re-paints. This a/c could have been designed with a sharks mouth in mind. The ejection seat activation is a literal blast!Rgds Mal.