Since I'm new to this, I was going over the rules again and the legs that have been posted so far. Am I right in saying that, the leg I flew would have penalized our team because I went over an hour. Also, anytime that you use the wingman your also penalized, is that right?
Another question I had was before the actual race will you guys get together and map it out first. Then the team members will just fly the legs the way they are layed out? Sorry for all the questions, just want to get it right.
The distance on the legs in this practice was set to allow more (force more) pilots to fly in the practice. The one hour time was a target time for each pilot to allow for them to have a minimal amount of time in front of the computer to fly a leg. Lets face it most of us have real lives.
Your leg was good but it was also slow. We will need to get you into a faster plane (planes):icon_twi:. We have lists in the hide out of planes that we use they are mearly suggestions. PM PRB and advise him of your desire to join the team and he will give you access to the Hide out. Of course the same goes for any other new person.
These rules we are using are watered down rules compared to the race (thank us later).
If you want to read the real rules they are here.
Keep in mind There are two sections.
The General Rules and Charter (half way down the page) Read this section first it is almost always the same year after year.
The Routing Rules at the top of the page. You can feel free to read them but the Routing Rules change year after year to keep the race fresh. Also in a sadist way to give a good number of members on each team an Ulcer.
Keep in mind you don't need to memorize these rules unless that is what you like to do. Just haiving some of them stored in your head is good enough.
This will be my third year on the team and each year the overall route has been planned out in advance. Last year we got into more detail and planned a good many of the legs in advance but most of that changed as the race progressed.
The weather will always dictate which legs can be flown when.
Ultimately each leg is the responsibilty of the pilot. Each pilot should know his skills and abilities while still being willing to step out of his/her comfort zone and fly harder and faster SAFELY. I say SAFELY because it is better to suck up a 6 to 12 minute of over time penalty then to use a 30 minute wingman transfer penalty or lose a leg completely.
The pilot must research his leg prior to taking off on his leg. You need to know what the destination airport is like before you fly into it. Some FS airfields have nice litte surprises waiting at them for unsuspecting Pilots.