You're right. I made a mistake of not looking what the runway WAS in MSFS, vs what it IS in the real word. Real world, it's an almost 9000' paved runway, but in the sim, 6400 grass. Which it WAS when the sim was published. It was upgraded in 2009.
Another mistake on my part. Sure glad this is practice.
Having said that, most of the WWII fighters on the Whitelist were perfectly capable of utilizing grass, or gravel, or PSP, whatever, barely improved runways. Look at some of the strips the Marines were using in the Pacific campaign. Bulldoze a strip, lay down PSP, pray for a lack of rain
From what I understand, the strip throughout Europe were the same. Grass or gravel, PSP, something like that. Heck, the British Spitfire aerodromes were almost entirely grass. Not all, but certainly many.
It seems to me that the correct choice of plane, like a P38, P47, F7F, and so on, would permit the use of a grass strip. Maybe that's a bit short, but it would be an acceptable surface. I will certainly admit, a 9000+' paved is definately a better choice, no question. But come down to it, I bet a grass strip is perfectly workable to most of the Whitelist aircraft.
I KNOW! I was setting up an extra-tough landing, in case the Race committee threw a curve-ball at us. Yeah, that was it!
That's my story, and I'm stickin' too it...
Thanks again for correcting my numerous errors. I certainly do my best to ensure they don't repeat.