Thanks Andy, I'll have to try this out. I think my memory of how the haze works may be faulty. It's been a while since I was working with this aspect of it.Here's the text for the thicker lower version used for the night shots.
<Weather Name="England Low Smog-France Clear">
<BackgroundWeather precipType="NoRain" skyboxCloudType="NoClouds" MaxAltitude="-90" MinAltitude="-100" fogColor="4288789972" Windspeed="0" windDir="0" >
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusSmall.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="40" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="900" MaxAltitude="900" fogColor="4287542759" />
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumulus2.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="45000" CloudCount="12" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="900" MaxAltitude="900" fogColor="4287542759" />
<WeatherObject skyboxCloudType="BrokenClouds" MaxAltitude="20000" MinAltitude="0" fogColor="4290432475" Windspeed="8" windDir="270" >
<Point Lat="N52 54" Lon="E3 41"/>
<Point Lat="N49 22" Lon="E0 2"/>
<Point Lat="N51 9" Lon="W4 48"/>
<Point Lat="N54 16" Lon="W11 14"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="dr_sandstorm_cloud.xml" CloudType="ThickClouds" CloudRadius="20000" CloudCount="50" MinAltitude="10" MaxAltitude="5000" fogColor="4288987369" Density="1"/>
Ah! So I imagine then one could try 3 or 4 entries in theory? Now you've done the hard work, I might play around!I included the industrial parts of Holland and then provided for some drift to the east from the Rhur.
Properly done each industrial city area would have it's own little patch of smog.
Actually it's very hard to find pics from vertically above, but these may sort of give an idea of what it might have been like, taken from various sources old and new. ".....Another problem was that the Ruhr Valley was so heavily industrialised that there was constant smog in the skies above it, which impeded the bomb aimers but also made it difficult for the navigators to even find the target area."Are there any good photos showing what this looked like from a distance?
Actually that does not happen in many cases, especially conurbations and industrial cities. not criteria met by Leavenwprth; as a metro KC resident I know.Smog like fog will lift and will become a dirty brown cloud. Saw this just the other day as it was hanging like a thin brown stratus cloud just north of Ft. Leavenworth.