RYAN ST-M-S2 Released

Patience young Jedi. Fast painting am I. Skins two for version wheeled done are. Skin one for version float done is. Packing up them am I.

I just uploaded two packages for the Ryan STM-S2. Skin pack 1 contains two skins for the wheeled version, pack 2 contains two skins for the float version. They are the same two paints, just made to work on both versions of the aircraft...and I just realized that I did not include aircraft.cfg entries for the float skins....always something left out of uploads, a malady that effects anyone who uploads files to share it seems. If anyone here does not know how to add new skins to a plane, give me a holler and I will teach you. Very simple thing to do.

MASTER YOBIO...Awesome these are!!! WHOA!!!:jump::jump::jump:...sorry....uh...er...I got excited MASTER. I'm gonna get fired from TechCorp for playing with this Ryan so much!
Got mine this morning, and went for my first flight. Well done! Very, very nice work.

Just installed OBIO's paints, and am ready for some more fun.

Thanks everyone. :ernae:

Hi Mr Herring

Mr Herring,

Sorry I did not getback sooner but I dowloaded the US Postal paint at Fltsim.com. I think and again I think the author was Mr Morrisy...I am sorry I think I spelled the genleman's name worng.


Stunning work as always Chris, and masterful painting by Obio . :applause::applause::applause:
Will be along to get one soon.

Cheers and thanks very much. :icon29::icon29::icon29: