Saitek X52 Profile Editor

Thanks, Tom and Stefan. I hadn't thought of using a hat switch for the various trims. The rotary on top of the throttle showed up in FS2004's axis assignments tab before I purchased FSUIPC, though the command never worked. But it does not show up at all when I move it in FSUIPC's axis assignment tab, no matter how many times I hit "Rescan". And everything works in the X52's Properties tab, so it can't be a problem with the stick. I guess I just have an oddball system here.


X-52 Pro Setup

If it is any consolation to you - I have never been able to utilise the axis on the top of or on the side of the throttle and I have been using X-52 Pro since it came out.
By the way, regarding your point about not being able to asign an axis to the 'hat' control on the throttle. Any movement (ie vert or horiz) of this hat will register as a key stroke in FSUIPC and also in FS9s' control regime. Personally I use the hat control on the flt stick to control trim for elevators and rudder. Although, having seen the remarks made in this thread regarding the freq of use of rudder trim, I have to agree.
Hope this helps.
Good move getting FSUIPC, I could not operate without it.
Thanks, Mal. That helped tremendously. I just needed somebody to tell me the top rotator, the wheel on the throttle, and the mode switch didn't work for them either. Now I can quit worrying that something's wrong with my system and get busy programming the stick. Thanks, everyone! :salute:
