Savoia Marchetti SM.79C WIP


Charter Member
Hi Friends,
I just restarted an old Project, the Sparviero's "C" (for "Corsa") racing version. This plane was developed by SIAI between Summer 1936 and Summer 1937 in order to partecipate to Paris-New York race ("Lindberg Cup" ) organized by "Aero Club de France" in order to celebrate the ten years from Lindberg's flight. Due to contrasts between French and USA authorities the original transatlantic competition was transformed in an Euro/Mid East race : the Istres-Damascus-Paris.
I'm deeply revising the old Sparviero I converted from original CFS3 model by Italianwings in 2008. The new modified model actually has completely new textures, now based on 2048x2048 multiple master bmps and, obviously, new GMax fuselage, props and engines, I revised also some animations. Also the VC is modified and the gauge revised. The package will contain liveries for ALL the "C" of "Istres-Damascus-Paris" (five planes : I-5, I-6, I-7, I-11 and I-13) and will contain also the "T" version used in Roma-Dakar-Rio de Janeiro flight (three planes : I-BISE, I-BRUN, I-MONI).
Here are some external model (almost completed) WIP screenshots.

SM79C_WIP_1.jpg SM79C_WIP_2.jpg SM79C_WIP_4.jpg SM79C_WIP_6.jpg SM79C_WIP_8.jpg SM79C_WIP_11.JPG

I especially like the crew figures... are they separate and "change workable" in terms of appropriate uniforms for
other SM 79s?

Again... look great!


I especially like the crew figures... are they separate and "change workable" in terms of appropriate uniforms for
other SM 79s?
Again... look great!

Hi Carlos,
Thank You for your appreciation.
No, the pilots are completely new (model & textures) and not separated from model. I used for the first time these pilots in my A.V.I.A. FL.3 and I'll use them in all my new projects. Both the pilots wear the real Regia Aeronautica's flying suit (here textured in Sorci Verdi's white version), the Captain wears R.A. officer's cap and old "turtle" sun goggles.

While Manuele is working on this model I have been reading some history. This is why I like this hobby so much. I had never realised that the registration codes were bases on the surnames of the crew members and that one of the racers (I-BIMU)was flown by Bruno Mussolini (the son of.......).

Manuele can you consider to include the I-ALAN? I know it has some additional windows, but perhaps you can just "paint" them instead of including them in the model. I would certainly appreciate it.

In the mean while I-12/ I-ROTR flown by Rovis and Trimboli

The real thing:

Departure from Istres:

Over the Mediterranean:
While Manuele is working on this model I have been reading some history. This is why I like this hobby so much. I had never realised that the registration codes were bases on the surnames of the crew members and that one of the racers (I-BIMU)was flown by Bruno Mussolini (the son of.......).

Manuele can you consider to include the I-ALAN? I know it has some additional windows, but perhaps you can just "paint" them instead of including them in the model. I would certainly appreciate it.

Hi Huub,
This is the list of planes, related codes and pilots in Istres-Damascus-Paris race (Lindberg Cup) and related order of arrivals :

I-5 (I-BIMU), SM.79CS, pilots : Col.Lt.Attilio BISEO (BI) & Lt.Bruno MUSSOLINI (MU). 3rd arrived
I-6 (I-TOMO), SM.79CS, pilots : Maj.Angelo TONDI (TO) & Capt.Antonio MOSCATELLI (MO). 6th arrived
I-7 (I-LICA), SM.79CS, pilots : Maj.Antonio LIPPI (LI) & Capt.Gori CASTELLANI (CA). Retired
I-8 (I-ROBO), Fiat BR.20, pilots : Col.Enrico ROLANDI (RO) & Col.Guido BONINI (BO). Retired
I-10 (I-GAQU), Fiat BR.20, pilots : Col.Giuseppe GAETA (GA) & Col.Luigi QUESTA (QU). Retired
I-11 (I-CUPA), SM.79CS, pilots : Col.Lt.Ranieri CUPINI (CU) & Cap.Amedeo PARADISI (PA). Winner
I-12 (I-ROTR), SM.79K/CS, pilots : Maj.Umberto ROVIS (RO), Cap.Luigi KLINGER & Cap.Stefano TRIMBOLI (TR). 8th arrived
I-13 (I-FILU), SM.79CS, pilots : Maj.Umberto FIORI (FI) & Cap.Giovanni LUCCHINI (LU). 2nd arrived

This is the list of planes, related codes and pilots in Rome-Dakar-Rio de Janeiro transatlantic raid :

I-BISE, SM.79T (ex I-BIMU), pilots : Col.Lt.Attilio BISEO (BISE) & Maj.Amedeo PARADISI.
I-BRUN, SM.79T (ex I-FILU), pilots : Lt.Bruno MUSSOLINI (BRUN) & Lt.Renato MANCINELLI.
I-MONI, SM.79T (ex I-CUPA), pilots : Maj.Nino MOSCATELLI (MONI) & Cap.Gori CASTELLANI.

The I-ALAN was basically a modified SM.79T, it had different cockpit windows and many different gauges (two different VCs for "CS" and "T" will be enough for me !!!), maybe I'll paint an additional livery for it using the "T" model, but it will be NOT completely historically correct, the fuselage windows and door (not operating) will be only on texturing.

This is wonderful news!


This is the LAGO has extra flaps (?) on the wing leading edges which have always fascinated me as to the modelling of them for the sim. Simple soul that I am. It also has no hump, which I think makes a much more sleek aircraft and was flown by civilian airlines as well

so we will wait patiently :jump:



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This is wonderful news!

This is the LAGO has extra flaps (?) on the wing leading edges which have always fascinated me as to the modelling of them for the sim. Simple soul that I am. It also has no hump, which I think makes a much more sleek aircraft and was flown by civilian airlines as well..... so we will wait patiently.


Hi Andy,
The profile You posted shows the 3rd prototype of SM.79 that was equipped with Alfa Romeo A126 engines instead the older Piaggio ones, the "CS" (the "racing" version) was something between this plane and the first series of bomber version.....
The real SM.79 was equipped not only with automatic Handley-Page trailing edge flaps, but also with a particular system that allowed the ailerons to be used as flaps. This system wasn't simulated in the old SM.79 release, but will be optically (animation only) simulated in the new "CS" version.
Really looking forward to this lovely aircraft. Thank you Manuele, in advance:jump::wiggle: ! Going to do more checking on the web about her.

Sorry Manuele, but I had not realised that there were so many differences between the T model and the I-ALAN. I had read that the I-6 / I-TOMO became the I-ALAN after some modifications. Obviously I underestimated the meaning of the word "some".

But the "non-historical" textures will definitely be appreciated. Certainly by my, but I'm sure it will have more fans.

Hi Friends,
Some screens from the First flight !!!!

Note the opened HP trailing edge flaps and the aileron used as flaps.
