Savoia Marchetti SM.79C WIP

Beautiful Manuele
but also a bit sad. As when this Corsa is finished, I will most probably not fly the I-ROTR any more.

BTW I recognise the river Rhône in your screenies. Istres - Damascus is a long flight.......

Manuele do you have any progress update since the last Screenshots?

best regards,

Hi Thomas,
The external model is done, I'm still working on the "CS" VC (the "T" version, with more gauges, will follow).....
I must also redo completely the Radio & Engineer consoles (both visible from pilot & co-pilot seats), I found in a book a pic that shows a different position for them (GRRRR !!!)

I have to agree... I have always liked your panels too Manuele. The C.R.D.A. Cant Z1007 and the Z506 have exquisite cockpit interiors, panel and gauge work. :medals:

Beautiful Manuele :encouragement: (As usual) And what a difference with the panel in the I-12/ I-ROTR.

Sorry to hear about the radio and engineering controls, but I'm sure you will manage.

Beautiful Manuele :encouragement: (As usual) And what a difference with the panel in the I-12/ I-ROTR.

Sorry to hear about the radio and engineering controls, but I'm sure you will manage.


Hi Huub,
I'm working......

The real I-ROTR had almost the same panel of the CS (without double main compass), it was a normal a/c "picked" (and modified, of course) from R.A. bomber first series, after the race it was reconverted for the primary role.
The model in the old SM.79's release was a (little) "fake" (sorry....) because I used the more advanced panel from the more recent series.....

Dear Manuele,

Sometimes it is nice when you just don't know. I always and still enjoy the old Corsa model. Now I realise there were a few things not really accurate. But does that matter when you don't know?
And even now I know I still don't really care. Its remains an interesting model to fly and I would almost say; "shame Savoia-Marchetti didn't build them like that

But nevertheless really looking forward to explore the more accurate one :encouragement:


Hi Manuele,

Although I definitely don't want to put any pressure on you, I was just wondering whether there is any news about this project you would like to share with us........ :biggrin-new:

Hi Manuele,

Although I definitely don't want to put any pressure on you, I was just wondering whether there is any news about this project you would like to share with us........


Hi Huub,
Actually I'm working on the gauges, with the Stefano's help we are preparing some new pop-up panels (Radio, Fuel management etc), the "T" model requires some modifications in the VC. We also preparing, with an Italian team, the Istres-Damascus-Paris (in FSX) "official" simulation for the AMI Museum of Vigna di Valle, as we done some years ago with D'Annunzio Flight on Vienna (with my Ansaldo SVA).... The bigger part of the job is done....

Thanks for the update Manuele! I'm really looking forward to this model. And it is hard to remain patient :encouragement:

I've liked the SM.79 ever since I first saw it in one of William Green's Famous Bombers of the Second World War books. Manuele does really beautiful work. :encouragement: