SC Designs F-16 Fighting Falcons New thread

Icing effects

Icing affects HUD display. The combiner glass is inside the canopy and shouldn't be affected. Haven't seen any comment on this.
I am sure enjoying this model a bunch.
Icing affects HUD display. The combiner glass is inside the canopy and shouldn't be affected. Haven't seen any comment on this.
I am sure enjoying this model a bunch.

Yeah, MSFS does that with all HUDs at the moment - rain does it too. I'm guessing Asobo will figure out a way round that in the future. The F-16 doesn't actually have combiner glass in the way - I only modeled the edge of the combiner, for greater clarity, so it's the projected display that actually gets scrambled by the windshield effects.

Great paints @jankees @Zsolt! :)
After lurking and looking (between TF-104 flights), I finally pulled the trigger this morning. First off, I believe this a decent value for the money-- at least from my perspective. Secondly, it's a blast to fly. The ONLY issue I see currently is the shadowing issue on the canopy at certain times of the day and in certain attitudes. Glad I went with the F-16...looking forward to refinements and improvements as they appear. Oh yes...and glad the F-16I Sufa is modeled.
