Scenery for Interlaken,Switzerland

Excellent catch Pete.

Saw Hunters coming up the valley and landing there on my first of many visits to the region after graduating college. Love flying through the Alps in D Garwood's Hunter or a Swiss Mirage with Holger's transforming scenery/mesh and a bunch of freeware airport add ons you can get at Avsim. With that, FSX cannot really beat this set up in FS9. Great place to fly in MP with your mates as well.
If you're using Dave Garwood's Hunter, get over to and pick up Markus Schindler's paints for it..
oh yes landing on 05 is er,interesting with Holgers' mesh


Finally! I have been wanting this airbase scenery for a long time now. Cheers for the heads-up! Mike :ernae:
Pull over and check your brakes before heading down to the airport. This stretch of the autobahn seems rather steep.
And the autobahn is running through the airfield!
I'll take a look and see what I can do about this. Anyone interested?


Just rename this txt file to a zip file and unpack. Overwrite the scenery file of Interlaken. It only adds two new files. The trees are gone, the road is no longer running through the airfield and there's a polygon around the airfield.


Just rename this txt file to a zip file and unpack. Overwrite the scenery file of Interlaken. It only adds two new files. The trees are gone, the road is no longer running through the airfield and there's a polygon around the airfield.



Thanks for the repairs.
My pleasure Terry! Don't forget to turn up the autogen again. There are no more trees on the field.


A very enjoyable scenery, thanks to all involved :wavey:, havent flown from Interlaken scince it was the default scenery in CFS1, boy, how long ago was that!
cheers ian
People, I would strongly recommend you to use this Interlaken scenery together with the following famous freeware addons:
-, contains a very good landclass for Swizzerland, and improvements to some airports (might solve the highways issues too)
- the mesh from Holger Sandmann for the Alps or the one that can be dowloaded here: