Scenery for Interlaken,Switzerland

I went ahead and reinstalled the scenery from scratch and then I installed Cees patch (thanks by the way) but Im still getting the "submerged" run way and taxiways. Like these:




below the grass and above here:


Id love to know how to fix this myself so when I came across this in the future I wont have to ask. Any suggestions on where I can learn how to fix this?



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There are a few ways of fixing this, which one will work for you will be trial and error.

1) Use Afcad to raise the airport layout to match the terrain, open LSMI in Afcad, and change airport elevation in the airport properties.

2) Flatten the terrain locally, down to same elevation as the airport layout, a little utility called FSTflatten will help you construct the flat area and export the bgl.

3) Mesh... Try a different mesh, Holgers' mesh for Switzerland is best (and free, from usual places) if you dont have the payware Switzerland Pro, and/or try adjustment of the terrain max vertex setting in fs9.cfg file.


OK, I changed tactics, I tried the afcad route still no luck. I opened the af2 bgl went into the properties for the airport and raised it the 15 feet it needed and saved it. same results, Arggh. I did notice something that it showed the default airport in Ultimate Terrain Europe 5 directory. I am turning that off to see if that makes a difference, no change. Hmmmm. I like a challenge but....

OK, I changed tactics, I tried the afcad route still no luck. I opened the af2 bgl went into the properties for the airport and raised it the 15 feet it needed and saved it. same results, Arggh. I did notice something that it showed the default airport in Ultimate Terrain Europe 5 directory. I am turning that off to see if that makes a difference, no change. Hmmmm. I like a challenge but....


I finally got somewhere with afcad!!! I got the runway and the taxiways to show up. now they all appear to be a couple of feet above the terrain. I am going to try and lower the airport a little at a time to get it flush. its weird though, the altimeter says I am at 1910 ft even though i set the airport elevation (and the runway elevation which had a separate entry) to 1906.6. So I'll knock 4 feet off and see if that evens everything up.

I finally got somewhere with afcad!!! I got the runway and the taxiways to show up. now they all appear to be a couple of feet above the terrain. I am going to try and lower the airport a little at a time to get it flush. its weird though, the altimeter says I am at 1910 ft even though i set the airport elevation (and the runway elevation which had a separate entry) to 1906.6. So I'll knock 4 feet off and see if that evens everything up.


Yeah! I got Interlaken finally straightened out! I went to Merrigen across the lake, same issue. Got it figured out though, no sweat, I am learning! I do have trees on taxiways now, is there a way to fix that? Thank you to all of you who have helped me on this journey.

Scenery for Interlaken,Switzerland my pc freeze

Hallo friends,
thank you Pete you sended me the scenery via dropbox.
I tried to fly on it but shortly after take of I get a black creen and my fs is frozen.
I believe my pc not to be strong enough
snif snif

Tom once again you are my hero!!!I removed the autogen trees and buildings and am left with a pristine airport! I need to get some AI in it but that is for another day. I did however while making the transition from Merrigen to Interlaken notice the super secret vertical take off and landing F/A-18 hornet hovering in the middle of the lake. I assume its some weird AI glitch based on the Axalp range traffic above Merrigen.

Thanks Tom!
I need to get some AI in it but that is for another day.

I'm curious how you will fixed it with mountains behind and on both sides. Actually I have to let fly my AI Hunter to Altenrhein, the only suitable heading to get it out of the valley and avoid loosing it.