Schiphol 1940

Cees your assumption is correct. Runways and platforms were made from concrete. Based on the pictures below, the runways were poured (picture with T.V) and the platforms were made of tiles in different formats (picture F.VII).





Cees, one question: the last two screenshots show a greater hangar above in the background. It seems to be a relic of the newer Fokker factory included in CalClassic EHAM scenery. Furthermore there aren't any linked taxiways or roads. But I could be completely wrong, of course.

Cees, one question: the last two screenshots show a greater hangar above in the background. It seems to be a relic of the newer Fokker factory included in CalClassic EHAM scenery. Furthermore there aren't any linked taxiways or roads. But I could be completely wrong, of course.


The hangar you mention is not mine, it's from fs2004, but I haven't been succesfull in excluding it. Furthermore there are no roads anymore since I had to switch off the Amsterdam background in the scenery.cfg. I tried to add roads and water with SBuilder9, but it is a long time ago that I was familiar with that program. This will take a considerable amount of time.

For now: I have more problems with fs2004 than I have with building scenery for it. Changing views makes my textures all go blurry. And I have repeatedly windows trying to apply compatability settings on fs2004, resulting in a not useable fs2004. I guess this is why I switched to FSX in the past. But alas, that's not all. ADE will not do what it is supposed to do in the fs9 mode, and Sbuilder9 is behaving the same. It's all very frustrating to put it mildly.
