Screens shots

Great Pics. Pat.


Great pictures Pat. :ernae:

Especially like the ME 109 Looking out of C/pit View, low down. How do you make these enlarged go into this thread postings ? The viewing effect is brilliant.( Bear with me folks, this aspect is quite newish to me. :173go1:)
And all this "sells" CFS3--- ETO---MAW---Solomons--Korean Skies, etc, to new folks who are looking over the threads.

More, more !!! :applause:

Bill T.
When I did this I had in mind that he would be indeed guarding the plane, but when I saw him it was almost as if he had come over from the tent to get the idiot who had landed there to move on! It was even better when the animated pilot looked over his shoulder to see the guard behind him!
Just laziness with the MB on Pat's part with the flyover mission he knocked up for the base, wait until I write some missions for it, there's a squall coming in off the Atlantic!!
Great pics everyone! :) Nothing like a good screenshot thread!

How do you make these enlarged go into this thread postings ? The viewing effect is brilliant.( Bear with me folks, this aspect is quite newish to me

Hi Bill,
I upload my pics to then put the link they provide into the post. It's just as quick, saves space on the SoH server and the original shot size is preserved.

The ETO is I think very photogenic, we've been blessed with lots of eye candy! This is one of Steve "O1-Drivers" great effects on one of Bob Parks superb 1943 missions - Sky markers
Cheers Steve & Bob!:ernae:
