Screenshot question for a player from long ago ?


Charter Member
Been into combat flight sims since 1998. Have a windows 7 64 bit gaming pc for older sims. How do i take screenshots in win7 ? have the CFS2 screenshot tool but forgot how to use it. Tried selecting the microsoft key+ print screen, but does not work. Is there another key combination for it, or how does the CFS2 screenshot tool work ? Thanks from a guy trying to enjoy the " Golden Era ". Regards ,scott
Had to use the print screen key + use microsoft paint for the pictures. Works perfectly. Windows 7 is a bit different. Learning to get back into it. Forgot some things. Love windows 7 64bit. Nothing tops it yet.
You can also use a nice free tool called fsscreen. It is available at

FSScreen - Utilities and Miscellaneous - FlightSim.Com

I've gotta second that recommendation for FSScreen, I've been using that one since Windows 98 for everything (not just flight simulation).